Chapter 9: Kisses and Stares

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Since it's Saturday, I had planned on exploring Springfield a little more, just to know the place I would be living. I after that, I would have taken a lazy day, since I have a mountain of baby sitting jobs next week. What I didn't plan on doing was making out with Bob, for lord knows how long, on his couch, in his lap.

I promised myself, just a few seconds. Then, just a few minutes. Now, it feels as if it's been hours. My legs are wrapped around his waist and my hands are tangled in his hair. Bob's grip on my waist is so tight that I can't escape, even if i wanted to. I couldn't help giggling when I felt his tongue push past my lips.

"Bob!" I squeak, giggling.

"Shhh..." He hushes me sexily, pulling my head back in.

I can't resist him, even if I tried. His hands continuously go from my back to my hair, to my waist and back again. I'm completely lost in the kiss and I don't want to find my way out. Then, a memory bangs me on the head and guilt floods my brain. I quickly pull out of the kiss, leaving him in shock.

"Hm? Is something wrong (y/n)."

"Oh... I... I shouldn't be doing this."

He looks disappointed. His hair falls along with his head.

"Oh... Well, I expected this. I knew it couldn't last." He sighs dramatically.

"What, no, you idiot! I'm not dumping you. It's just-"

"Oh thank heavens."

I smile. He's such a drama queen.

"It's just... I shouldn't be doing this."


"Well... It's kind of stupid but..." I reach into my back pocket, pull out the contract Bart made me sign and hand it to him. He reads over it quickly.

"I kind of promised Bart that I would have nothing to do with you... and the whole family thinks were not associating anymore ... so I just feel a bit guilty..."

How can I face them again? They made me feel as if I was apart of their family. They are so sweet and loving. What If we're seen together? What then? They'll hate me and I'll lose them.

He begins to laugh. I look at him.

"We'll first of all, you know that this is not a legally binding contract, right?" I blush.

"I KNOW THAT!" He chuckles.

"You're so cute. Also, there's an error. It reads '(y/n) swear to never associate, see, talk to or date Sideshow Bob. Ever!'. "Sideshow Bob" isn't my legal name. It's what I was called when I was on the Krusty's show and I'm not on his show anymore now aren't I?"

I smile at him. I actually feel relieved. I knew it wasn't a real contract, but the fact that there was a way out of it was comforting. He smiles back and pinches my cheek.

"Feel better?" I slap his hand away.

"Shut up! I'm not a baby."

"But you're mine, aren't you?" He winks and sets one hand on my back just above my hips and has the other stroking my hair. I giggle and cover my lips. Despite his flirtation, I still feel down.

"I feel so bad for betraying their trust like this."

Bob looks down for a second before he looks up at me. "(Y/n), I want you to promise me something."

"Hm? What is it?"

"...I don't want you to tell anyone about us."

"W-what? Why?"

I Moved to Springfield- A Sideshow Bob FanfictionМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя