Chapter 24: The Date Part 1

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As soon as I arrive home, I tip-toe quietly up the stairs.

"Okay... I just have to keep quiet." I whisper to myself. "I don't want him knowing that I'm here."

(I just... don't think... I can face him right now. I don't want to see him until our date tonight...).

I reach the top of the stairs and hold my breath as I pull out my keys. Once I turn the keys and the door unlocks, another door opens.

"Y/n?" I cringe and squeeze my eyes tight.

"Damn it!" I whisper. I keep eyes facing the door and sigh.

"Um... Hey Bob."

"...Hm? What's wrong?" I gasp when his arms go around and squeeze my waist from behind. "Is everything okay dear?" He whispers near my ear, causing me to blush.

I can't help but giggle.

"Bob...! What are you doing?"

"What do you mean?" He asks, pulling me away from the door and closer to his chest. His hands are dangerous close to my breasts but... I really don't mind. My stomach begins to churn nervously and my legs become weaker and weaker.

"God, how did you know I was here? I was trying to be extra quiet." I whine.

"Really?" Bob wonders, his voice against my neck. "You know, I don't very much like the fact that you were trying so hard to avoid me."

"It's not like that..." I say, trying to hide my playful fear. "... Could you wet me go pwease?"

"Hm... That was really cute. Give me a second to consider..."

"Nope." He chuckles. "I quite like having you here like this."

He presses his grinning lips against my neck and proceeds to kiss me there. I can't help but to shiver.

"Oh, Bob not here." I whimper. "Not now. People could see us."

He pauses for a second.

"Oh, would you prefer we go to my room~"

"You know that's not what I meant!"

He ignores me and continues. He squeeze me closer to him and puts his face into the nape of my neck. I bite my lip, trying to hold back any noises that try to escape. I try to pull out of his grip but, of course, he's just too strong and pulls me even closer, his grip even tighter than before.

"Oh well come now Y/n." He whines, giving my neck a rest. "You know its not as fun if you keep quiet." I blush again and struggle some more.

"God you're annoy-". I bite my tongue before I can finish.

"What was that?" He asks threateningly.

"Nothing! I didn't say anything..." I lie, hoping he'll let me off the hook this once. He chuckles evilly.

"When will you learn?" He whispers into my ear. I shiver again before he pulls me up into the air, bridal style. I close my eyes so that I don't see his face.

"Don't worry, I'll do my best to teach you a lesson~"

(Oh god... I'm such an idiot!). He walks into his building and uses his foot to shut the door.

"Look, I'm "sorry", okay, can you let me go now?"

"You should be sorry."

"Look, I wanna get ready for tonight and I'll need all the time I can get."

"♪Your excuses aren't working♪" he sings, laughing afterwards.

He sits down on the couch, with me still in his arms. I'm tempted to open my eyes. Luckily, I feel his lips smash against mine so I don't have to open my eyes. I kiss back, glad the "lesson" isn't as bad as I had imagined.

As good as it feels, especially when he slips his tongue between my lips, I pull away.

"Um... sorry. I didn't mean to stop you but... I just... can't do this."

I can't see his expression, but I can feel him being slightly disappointed.

"Is something wrong? Did I do some-"

"No, no, I'm not dumping you or anything, so chill... I... I just... Well, it's embarrassing and kind of stupid."

"Hm? Oh I apologize. All I heard was that you weren't breaking up with me."

I giggle. (Aw, how sweet.)

"Also, you should just tell me what's on your mind now before I tickle it out of you." Bob said, teasing me but placing his fingers on my waist. I jump at that as my heart races.

"NO! No! Okay, I'll spill. And if you tickle me, I WILL dump you. I swear to god!"

He take his hands off my waist and places them on my back and shoulder.

"It's nothing too big, it's just that, before a first date, I don't like to see, talk to, hear, hug or kiss that person until the date. I don't know why, but it's just my thing... Is that weird?"

I hear him laugh. He then lift me off of his lap and helps me up to my feet.

"No... A bit actually."

"Shut up! I yell, crossing my arms. "Don't judge me."

He laughs again and steps behind me. He places his hands over my eyes and leads me away.

The door opens and he walks me out.

"Thanks Bob. And I promise we will "continue" later. Okay?"

When I don't get a response, I begin to worry. Is he mad at me?

"Bob?" I open my eyes and look ahead. I'm at the open door of my apartment. I don't want to look back, afraid that he might be there. "Bob?"

"Aw, do you miss me already?" He asks me from behind.

I blush and breathe a sigh of relief. "Didn't you say that you didn't want to "talk" nor "interact" with me until our date?"

"Well... Yeah. But before we do that, when do I come over?"

He laughs a bit.

"You won't be. But 'I' will come over at around ... 6," he answers.

"Oh, okay. Thanks."

He doesn't respond, again, which I'm starting not to like. I continue to speak, filling the silence, "Well that's good. I guess I'll see you at 6 then. Thanks sweetie."

I shudder when I feel two hands on my shoulder.

A long kiss is pressed against my neck before either one of us leaves. I gasp and smile, my cheeks heating up. Bob pulls away without a word. And with that, I heard his door close, allowing me to look around safely.

I begin to feel regret.

(Dammit! Why did I pull away?! Maybe I could just ... No! I can see and make out with him later.).

With that thought, I entered my home and began to scurry, mentally creating and checking off a 'First Date with Bob' to-do list.

I appear nervous, but really, I can't be more excited. ^^

[To be continued in Part 2...]

<Thank you readers. I love you all so this chapter has the romantic scenes you have been waiting so long for. It's a treat that furthers the story, but also treats the people who continue to support this fanfic. I hope you enjoyed it. I enjoyed writing it ;)...>

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