Chapter 26: Party Invite (Part 2)

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Bart opens the door and a chill runs down my spine. We stare at each other for a minute before I gain the courage to smile.

"Hey Bart. How are y-"

"Fine." he says apathetically. "So what? You don't really care."

"Bart..." I feel so guilty. He's such a cool kid and now he hates me. Before I can open my mouth again, Lisa pushes past Bart, holding Maggie in her arms.

"(Y/N)! Hi!" Lisa squeals happily. Maggie coos out baby noises and reaches out her hands to my, opening and closing her small yellow fingers. It's too adorable to resist.

"Hey guys." I say with genuine joy. I take Maggie from Lisa's hands and pull her to my chest. She takes my face in her small hands and gives me cheek kisses with her tiny lips. I giggle at her cuteness and give her a big kiss on the cheek back.

I walk into the house and take off my shoes, leaving them at the door.

"Are Mom and Dad still here Bart?" I ask the young blonde. He scoffs at me and races upstairs. I sigh sadly. Maggie puts her arms on my shoulders and her head in my neck. I rub her back.

I look down when I feel a tugging at my skirt.

"Yeah Lis?"

"Mom and dad are in the kitchen getting ready for the party."


"Yeah, they're throwing a "dinner party", (but it's really more of an apology party)" she whispers to me.

I giggle fascinated.

"Why are they apologizing?"

"Dad ate all the cupcakes during a church event last Sunday and everyone got soooo angry."

"Seriously?! That's hilarious." I say laughing.

As we walk into the kitchen, I see what can only be described as pure chaos.

Food remnants are on the floor, the walls and the ceiling somehow. Heat engulfs the kitchen from the four stove burners on on, the microwave and the oven all being on at the same time. Marge is opening canned food while mixing a brown cakey mix together in a bowl.

"Oh my god! It's burning!" I hand Lisa Maggie and rush in. I see a silver smoke begin to rise from a skillet. I flip on the stove fan to HIGH and turn off the stove eye.

Marge does that cute frusterated grumble noise and sighs.

"Thank you."

"How many people are you feeding Marge?"

She laughs sladly. "Too many."

I bite my lip and look around.

"You know what, lemme help you."

"W-what? Really?" she asks, caught off guard. "No no, I couldn't ask you t-"

"Too late, I'm already preparing the pasta."

"Uh..." she then smiles and continues to mix the brownie batter.

And just as the doorbell was rung, the oven dinged, signaling that the brownies, the final dish, were complete.

I fan myself in the heat of the kitchen, slide on oven mits and pull the delicious smelling dessert.

I set it on the counter and begin to stack them on a large plate.

"Homie! Could you go get the door?!"

"Sure thing Marge." Homer calls out from the living room.

"And kids, I hope you're washed up and dressed!" Marge looks over at me. "Oh (Y/n), I'll take care of the food for now. Could you please go check on the kids and make sure they are ready?"

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