Chapter 5: Home

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SSB Chapter 5

I don't know what happened to Bob, but I can't let that distract me. I'm sitting in my apartment right now, on my mattress, just thinking.

(What day is it. I haven't been keeping track lately.)

I check my watch. It's Tuesday, my second day in Springfield. I mentally go over my schedule for this week.

Tonight at 4:00, I will be baby sitting Apu's kids. Tommorrow, I will spend the day looking to replace the things that were in my stolen car. And on Friday, I'll go to The Simpsons for dinner. At some point, I will be checking up on Bob. We are friends after all...

(Actually, I'm not sure what we are.) I'm sure that he tried to kiss me earlier, and we WERE flirting, even if it was just a little bit. Plus, we were making each other blush, but what does that mean? Are we together or not? I can't tell.

If we were, I guess we'd know more about each other. If we were together, he'd be able to tell me what's going on with him. I decide to not worry about it right now. I have to get ready for baby sitting.


After FOUR hours of diaper changes, impossible feeding, boring games, and no rest (AT ALL!!), I was so done! At five dollars a kid plus four dollars an hour, I made $56!!! Woooohoooo!!!

Since my apartment has been already paid for, only have to worry about food and clothes and stuff. If I go to a thrift store, I can find really cheap furniture and clothes. I'll even have money left over for more food. Then this apartment will be livable!

Still, if I have to baby sit those little demons again, I'll question whether its worth it or not.

I return to the apartment building absolutely enervated! I'm so tired and weak, the only way I get upstairs is by crawling. I hope to see Bob standing outside his apartment, waiting for me, but he's not. It's almost as if he hasn't left his room since yesterday.

I pick myself up, walk up to his door and knock.

"Bob..." I wait for him to answer, or to come to the door. But he doesn't. "Bob! It's me, (y/n)! Remember?" I knock some more. "Please come out! I wanna talk to you..."

"Look... My babysitting job was great! Um, I got a ton of money. Still, the kids were a huge pain..." I thought it would be important to tell him how my day was, just to let him know I still consider him my friend. Then again, maybe he's not home yet and I'm just talking to a door. I give up.

"Okay... Um, bye." Then I have an idea. I pull out a piece of paper out of my purse and write a note.

"Hi Bob

Look, I don't know why you left yesterday, but I miss you.

We are still friends, right?

Did I do something to upset you?

Look, please come out and talk to me! If there's something wrong, I promise, you can talk to me, okay?


I slip it under his door and go into my room. I collapse onto the bed.

"Oh god! I am so done!"


I start to wake up.

"Oh god... Where am I?" Did I fall asleep. I must have been super tired after last night. I didn't even make dinner. My legs hurt from sleeping in my jeans. Ugh, I smell awful!

I go into the less than clean bathroom to start my morning. I take a shower while I simultaneously clean the dirty tub. I want to brush my teeth, but I can't focus with this bathroom so dirty.

Because I'm such a clean freak, I spend the entire morning cleaning my room. The bathroom is now sparkling, the couch is now dust free, and all the furniture is rearranged to fit my style.

The TV is in the middle of the room, in front of the couch. The mattress is now in a corner inside my fort of boxes (BOX FORTS ROCK!) and is covered with my brightly coloured sheet and the fluffy blanket my mom gave to me.

My kitchen now has food inside the cabinets and the freshly cleaned fridge. The chairs no longer wiggle and the table is covered with a cloth and topped off with a plastic vase and a fake daisy.

Once I feel satisfied with my work, it finally begins to feel like home.

Now that I've decided to become Springfield's greatest babysitter, I'll spend the rest of the day looking for parents eager to go out without their kids.


Sorry about such a short chapter and sorry that SSB isn't in it, but I wanted to give this story a homey feel to it, showing how your character is adjusting to Springfield and how she is loving the idea of starting her new life. I love it because I can't wait to start my new life when I'm out of school :)


*・゜゚・*:.。..。.:*・'(*゚▽゚*)'・*:.。. .。.:*・゜゚・*

I love you all!!!!!

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