Don't Say Goodbye

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The next morning Emma woke up to an empty bed and a post-it note.  The fluorescent pink paper felt cold and crinkled as held it up to read. 

Last night she vaguely remembered feeling exhausted after she had Theo had finished. Emma snuggled further into the pillow as she remembered last night's events. She assumed that Theo must have carried her up to his room as she noted that the other side of the large bed looked like someone had slept in it. 

As she gradually woke up and regained consciousness her thoughts began to reflect further on what happened. She didn't feel any different than yesterday- maybe a little sore. Emma was also thankful that she was right when she stated that she wouldn't regret it. Upon noticing her attire, Emma realised that Theo must have used one of his long t-shirts. The soft, grey material felt comfortable. It also made her start wondering how Theo had so much energy to do everything and get up early and yet she was completely knocked out.

After clearing the sleep from her eyes, Emma examined the note. It appeared that Theo had to go to work early and that he was sorry that he couldn't be there. The added 'I love you' at the bottom made her heart warm as she buried herself deep into the white sheets, hugging herself almost out of excitement. 

Emma, in her usual fashion, stayed in bed until she became too hungry. Taking the note with her, she made her way down the stairs- that she was already too familiar with- and carefully folded the pink slip in her handbag. 

She knew that Theo normally kept healthy foods in his kitchen, and as much as she hated to admit it, the only time junk food entered his house was when they ordered in.  She guessed having that body didn't come easily.

'What to eat?' She murmured to herself as she scoured the granola and vegetable filled cupboards and shelves. 

Making a cup of coffee and settling on yogurt, Emma positioned herself by the window in the alcove of the living room. It was here that she really noticed Theo's absence in the quiet house. It felt lonely to be eating without his remarks. As Emma looked around the now cold house, she wondered if this is what it was going to be like when Theo was actually gone. Had her life now just revolved around him where his absence meant she did nothing?

Since when did her world revolve around a guy? No, she was going to keep herself busy. 

With that in mind, she tried to think of what to do today and set upon aimless walking around London streets. Finishing getting ready and stealing one of Theo's baseball caps, Emma packed a snack and headed out. 

It was a sunny day and the sunlight streaming through the green trees on the side of the street reminded Emma of home. 

This will be good. I'm getting to know the city I'm going to be studying in. All good things. 

Emma thought with excitement as she turned down another cobblestone street approaching what seemed to be a park. 

Upon entering, she noticed a few young kids on the see-saw and roundabout but other than that the place was hardly populated. 

A perfect place to catch up on some reading. 

Emma concluded as she nestled on a bench, taking up the whole space with her legs to avoid strangers sitting next to her. 

Headphone plugged in she got lost in the story for hours until her phone alerted her of a notification.

I'm home. Where are you? Xx- T

At a park reading a book. Xx - E

Ahh, do you know which one? I could meet you there? Xx- T

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