Lonely Heart

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Rushing up the stairs was never something that Emma particularly enjoyed-or was good at. In fact by the time that she reached her flat, Emma was so out of breath that even if Theo picked up the phone she didn't know if she would be able to speak in between her gasps for air.

The interaction with the cameras was something that she thought she would never get used to. It was something where she wished Theo was here for. The sudden intrusion of privacy and the idea that people may get the wrong idea was not something that Emma was prepared for. Shew knew that it would mean more interest in her and her life. 

But he wasn't picking up the phone. Emma was alone. 

For a brief moment, Emma felt sorry for how hastily she said goodbye to Noah. On the other hand, she knew that any more photos could make the whole situation worse. Oh God, why were people so fascinated? Just because Noah was an amazing actor and Theo a talented musician did that mean that he wasn't allowed to make any mistakes or be like a normal functioning human? 

Emma had been thinking about it a lot recently. The more she thought about how the world makes it so that people could never do anything right, that people can never win was something that angered her. She couldn't understand why people couldn't remember that everyone was human and not a machine. That everyone made mistakes and their side of the story. 

Letting herself into her dorm, Emma tried to locate a hood that Theo had left before he went on tour. Emma usually wore it whenever she was stressed or sad or missed him. Though she couldn't smell him, the idea that it was something of his made her feel comforted. However, she was empty handed after searching high and low for the oversized, green fleece jumper. Putting it down to her normal scatterbrain, Emma wrapped herself in her duvet and tried calling Theo again. 

With no such luck, Emma went into the kitchen instead, planning on eating ice cream until she could no longer remember the earlier incident. It was lying on the sofa hugging a melted tub of the dessert that Caleb and Angie found her. 

'We need vodka.' Was all that Caleb said as he surveyed the scene in front of him. 

Angie on the other hand thought that it would be best if she lay straight on top of Emma, sprawled out like a starfish. So much so, that the little piece of scrappy furniture barely coped with their combined distributed weight, rocking slightly with every movement made. 

'You got anything you wanna tell us, little Em?' She said as her black hair tickled Emma's face.

'Spill the beans.' Caleb shouted, holding the alcohol high in the sky. Over the past few days, both Angie and Caleb had been more forthcoming and energetic with Emma, so much to the point, that this behaviour didn't surprise her at all. 

Half and hour and several shots later, Emma the lightweight that she was, was already gone.

'Is it something with Theo?' Angie probed, making Emma tense. Angie every once in a while would slide Theo into the conversation, always making Emma uncomfortable. She had decided early on in their relationship that they would try to keep it as private as possible. Which Angie made hard considering the under the radar interest that she apparently had with Emma's boyfriend. But Emma put it down to genuine curiosity of the glamorous world of celebrities.

'It's just like- too much sometimes, ya know?' Emma slurred.

'Not really but go on.' Caleb interrupted.

'Well, like, my boyfriend was pictured with some model and its front page news and its like humiliating ya know? Cuz like I heard about it from my best friend back home, and like everyone else thinks that our relationship is a joke and I'm just so sick of this whole long distance thing, and why does this have to be a thing?!' She rambled, getting louder and angrier the more she listed her problems.

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