They nodded.

"Here jiejie, we snuck these from the kitchen for you. WanQing jie spent the whole morning to make these."

Wanping pulled out a jade plate and uncovered the lids. Inside were steamed red bean cakes.

Wanqing took out a bun and shoved it to Weiying's mouth.

"Try it jiejie is it good?"

"Mmm... good!!"

"Take some with you. These have different fillings, there's egg yolk, sesame paste too."

"Yes I heard that marriage procession are long and boring.. You have to hide under a veil for the whole day and may not even have time to eat."

"Mingyu. Carry this for Weiying jie!"

"Yes, young miss. She took the rest of the buns and wrapped it in a handkerchief."

It was common practice for a bride who was entering her husband's household to be bringing her own maids. Thus, without question, it was decided that Mingyu and another girl would follow Weiying to the Lan manor be her attendants.

"Girls, you are still here? Run along girls you better help with the guests up front."

Weiying gave his sisters hugs and a light peck on their cheek before they leave the room.

His mother came inside and covered his face with the crimson curtain of a veil. After he left his room, he would wear the veil until the ceremony was over at night where only his husband would lift it off his face.

The sun had risen, proclaming clear skies over the horizon. Few wisps of cloud trails could be seen like traces of cotton flowers floating in the wind on a clear blue sky. They have entered the heart of spring. The magnolia tree stood elegantly in the courtyard. The branches had blossomed into bunches of cloud like blooms filling the entire tree, creating a memorable scene of serene beauty. The gentle winds carried its fragrance that filled the whole Wei Manor with it lingering floral richness.

In the main hall, the groom and his troops of accompanying relatives have arrived to perform the morning ceremony at the bride's house. The atmosphere was bustling with laughter and delighful chitter chatters.

Soon, the bride was brought out to meet with her groom in the main hall. She was covered head to toe in crimson. Her face hid behind a silk veil yet her appearance did not stop the crowd from gasping in awe by her mere presence.

After they had paid ceremonial respect to Weiying's parents and elders, Lanzhan led his new bride by his hand toward the front door.

Outside, a sedan carriage mounted on a healthy looking steed stood calmly waiting for the bride to enter.

After the bride entered, a large procession followed. The space Inside the sedan carriage was spacious. It could fit two people. But it was customary that the bride sat alone in the sedan carriage while the groom rode the horse leading the carriage and the rest of bridal procession.

Weiying could hear the firecrackers and loud cheers from outside the sedan carriage. Rows of people lined the streets to watch the procession. Firecrackers, drums, claps and cheers could be heard outside. He did not know how many people were following him and he thought it was better that way so he felt less nervous about it.

After swinging and swaying for a good while, The sedan carriage finally slowed down before coming to a complete stop.

They had arrived.

Someone lifted the carriage curtain door. He could feel a blast of wind gently swaying the red cloth covering his face.

"Weiying we are here." Lanzhan's voice was gentle and reassuring. He took her hand and lead her outside the carriage.

The Flood Controller's Wifeजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें