War in the Square

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Re-Estize Kingdom, Noble Estate

Philip didn't want to be here. He was however, wise enough to keep that sentiment from showing on his features. The last month or so had been a lesson in how to keep his mouth shut, though he had explored his options via other means.

Not even the landlady had been able to help him get out of the marriage that was about to start but she had pointed out several reasons he needed to go through with it, not the least of which was that until he was confirmed as the Lord, his father could disinherit him. She had been tactful enough not to mention that if that happened, he wouldn't be able to pay her back but he was smart enough to realise that was at least a concern for her. But more importantly it would leave him back as a farm boy. That wasn't going to happen. Hilma had also pointed out that once he was the Lord, divorce was a possibility. He had to marry Gemma Inabil Yuce Nabol now, but he was not necessarily stuck with her. Divorce might cost a bit but...

During the past month or so his father had been giving him a crash course in running the estate. There were so many places Philip could see where improvements could be made. His estate, once it was his, would be more prosperous very quickly, and then he could offload Gemma. And if she didn't accept what he thought was reasonable, he'd still divorce her and see how she liked living without title or benefit.

The thought of the lessons just reinforced his dislike. Today was a perfect example. Mid-winter was a good, strong day to start a new relationship but that wasn't the only reason his Father had scheduled the marriage for today. There was traditionally a feast on Mid-winter day. By having the wedding today, his Father got to save the expense of one feast. Yes, it was a saving that would benefit the estate but it was also an insult to him and to the House of Nabol. Philip could only surmise that Gemma's father had agreed to it. The man must be desperate to marry his daughter off.

Philip shook his head. He immediately regretted it. His stiff, starched collar scratched his neck. Yet another cost saving of his Father's. The formal gear he had worn to the party in the Capital had belonged to his elder brother. It had been slightly too tight. This was no better. Again, it had been his brother's and was too tight. Supposedly the estate couldn't even cover a suit of clothing for him on his wedding day. It was intolerable.

As soon as his father officially handed over the Lordship, Philip would make many changes. The estate would benefit from them. And then Lady Albedo would see his skills and would be further- He forced his thoughts away from there but the new thought caused his lips to curl in disgust. He'd met Gemma a few days ago when the party from the House of Nabol had arrived. She was... He sighed, using the motion to school his face into a more neutral expression. Gemma was a pale shadow of Lady Albedo. It was as if someone had described that exquisite beauty to a blind man. Gemma had black hair but it was lank compared to the lustrous locks the Lady Albedo had. She had pale skin but against the pure alabaster of Lady Albedo, Gemma might have been a peasant woman who worked in the fields. Her eyes were brown. Philip found himself lusting over Lady Albedo's yellow eyes. Her waist was small and she had well defined hips but Lady Albedo's proportions were perfect, Gemma couldn't compare to that. And her breasts, the less he thought about them the better. Gemma was nothing more than a broodmare. Lady Albedo was-

Again he forced his thoughts away. He would have to think of Lady Albedo tonight, or else he would never be able to fulfil his marital obligations and as much as that thought disgusted him, Philip knew it was required. He was standing before the altar of the Six Gods. The Priest had agreed to marry him today, in the early morning, before the rest of the services. Yet another insult! And his father didn't see it. He had just negotiated the time further and then paid, paid the priest for their time. Why? Was his father not the lord of this estate? Did the priest not owe his father? That would change as soon as he became Lord. Many things would change.

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