Preparation for War

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E-Rantel, Adventurer's Guild

The first sign that Pluton Ainzach had that anything was wrong was when the Guild Secretary told him that the Adamantite Adventurer Momon was waiting in his office. The second sign was evident when he entered to find Momon sitting at his desk, armored fingers tapping heavily against the wood. There was an air around Momon, one that spoke of quiet anger mixed with despair. It was an air that scared Ainzach.

"Momon?" he greeted the Adventurer carefully. Pluton had never been Adamantite Ranked but he well knew you did not startle high level Adventurers.

"Ainzach," the black armored man said, turning to greet him. The tone of his voice only made it clearer to Ainzach that something was very wrong.

He moved around his desk as his mind raced. Should he ask? Should he wait for Momon to volunteer the information? What was wrong? Where was Nabe? Was there something wrong with... where did he start on that list?

"Is there-"

Momon held up one hand, forestalling the question.

"There is something wrong," the Adventurer said, shaking his head. "But there is nothing you can do about it," he added. "There's nothing I can do about it either." That last was spoken softly, almost regretfully.

Ainzach sat down before he looked over to the window. "Should I get us a drink?" he offered. He'd never seen Momon drink but if something was this wrong, then maybe the Adamantite Adventurer would need it. He would probably need it before the end of the conversation. While Momon might say that there was nothing that could be done, he'd obviously come here to tell him.

"No, but you go ahead," Momon indicated.

The Guild Master nodded, and rose again, using the time to calm his beating heart as he poured a drink before returning to his seat. He poured one for Momon anyway and placed it before the Adventurer.

"What has happened?" He asked seriously, not yet touching his drink. Something had happened. That had been obvious for the past few days. There had been a cold air displayed by many of the demihumans in E-Rantel and no one had seen the Sorcerer King or his direct servants in that time. Ainzach just assumed the undead was still attending to the disposition of the Holy Kingdom. It could not be easy to take over a Country.

"The Theocracy," Momon spat. There was uncharacteristic venom in the Adventurer's voice. Momon leaned forward, holding his head in both hands. "Up until now, he hasn't acted like an undead."

It took Ainzach a moment to realise who Momon was talking about. That was stupid really. There was only one undead of note in E-Rantel. Then his mind caught up with what Momon had said and he acknowledged the truth of the statement. The Sorcerer King did not act like a usual undead. He displayed no overt hatred towards the living. Pluton felt his stomach tighten with worry. Momon's statement was...

"The Theocracy is about to see that he really is an undead."

"How?" Ainzach asked, almost breathless.

Momon took a deep breath, blowing it out heavily before he looked up. His expression was grim but his eyes were hard. Pluton didn't understand the emotion there. Usually Momon was more controlled. Now he seemed on the verge of hatred.

"Or maybe why would be a better question," Ainzach corrected.

"It is," Momon agreed. "The Theocracy is going to see how far Ainz Ooal Gown will go to protect his people."

Ainzach blinked. He didn't really understand that. The question showed, even to an Adventurer who was still looking at his desk.

"I've learned a great deal about the undead since he came to E-Rantel," Momon admitted. "Obviously Ainz Ooal Gown is a very high level undead. He is nothing like the skeletons and others that Adventurer's usually encounter."

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