Saving Josie {Pt. 1}

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Hope's POV

I sat on the bed in the cell. My leg was bouncing and I was tapping the side of the bed to keep me distracted.
I heard footsteps running down to the cells and I became more anxious.

"Hope! What are you doing down here?" Aunt Freya asks worriedly.
"Did Josie put you in here?" Mum asks.

I shake my head.

"I-I did." I say.
"Why?" A voice asks. I look up to see that Lizzie had gotten in here.
"I couldn't control my blood lust", I tell them. "I've basically starved myself for like a week."
I let out a dry chuckle.

"Did you see Josie?" Lizzie asks.
I think if I should tell them, but I wouldn't want them to know that I almost sucked her dry.

I shake my head.

"We should get you out of here." Freya suggest. I am quick to say no.
"No! I-I can't control myself." I say.
"Okay." Dad nods sadly.
"We'll come back to check on you and we will bring blood rations." Mum says.
I nod in agreement.

Everyone leaves except for Lizzie.
She comes close to the cell and places her hand around on of the metal bars.

"I'm sorry, Hope." She says sincerely.
"It's okay." I say.
"I'm sorry about Josie", She says. "I know you saw her because I saw her too."
"Did she say anything?" I ask.
"Nothing new, but she did shake you up pretty bad?" She then says.

I don't say anything and that gives her an answer.
"I'll do anything to bring her back." Lizzie says.
"Me too." I say standing up to face her from the other side.

She brings her hand through the bar and gives me her pinky.
"Promise?" She says reaching out for my pinky.
I connect my pinky with hers, "Promise."

She lets go and she leaves the cell area.

I let out a shaky breathe as I slide down the bars. I bring my knees the my chest and I lean my head on the cold metal bars.

"Oh, this is a sad sight." An all too cruel voice says.
"What do you want, Jo?" I ask sadly.
"Did I shake you up that bad?" She taunts.
I look up with teary eyes and I meet her dark ones.
"Just please come back, Jo." I plead.
For a moment her eyes become soft and her mannerisms change, but good things don't always last.

For a moment her eyes become soft and her mannerisms change, but good things don't always last

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She didn't say anything else. She just vanished in thin air.

"Hey, Hope." Someone greets me. I look up to see Cleo holding a bottle of blood.
"Sorry you have to see me like this." I whisper sadly.
She shakes her head. "Don't be silly." She says walking over to me.

She pours a bit of the blood into a small plastic cup and it fills a quarter of it.

"Here." She hands me the cup and I gulp it at a slow pace. My veins growing under my eyes, which disappear shortly after.
"I think you're getting better." Cleo says, scooting over to the cell.
"How can you tell?" I ask her as I place the cup down.
"You didn't guzzle it down like a maniac." She chirps with a smile.

𝐉𝐮𝐬𝐭 𝐋𝐢𝐤𝐞 𝐀 𝐌𝐨𝐯𝐢𝐞 ✯ 𝐋𝐞𝐠𝐚𝐜𝐢𝐞𝐬Where stories live. Discover now