When her shift was finally over, Giselle made her way towards her car soullessly. Every step she took felt heavier. Her eyes scanned the empty parking lot, the area where she first met Dean. She swallowed hard as she continued walking slowly. The memories of him, who helped her get back her bag, following by the image of him forced her into the passenger seat, started to replay in her head. She bit her bottom lip as she stood next to the driver's door. She waited as she silently wished for him to show up behind her like how he did in the past. When she turned around with her watery eyes, he was nowhere to be seen. A drop of tears escaped her eyes as she opened her car door.

How come that stupid man never come back? Has he forgotten about me? How can he be so heartless? Why did he come and leave without a sound? I am waiting. I will wait until you come back, Dean.

Giselle sobbed hard in the driver seat after she closed the door. She dropped her head against the steering wheel while she breathlessly cried.

Day after day, she felt like her emptiness feeling started to grow even deeper. She didn't know the reason why. She used to be fine for being alone, but now it felt like apart of her was being sliced into pieces. Whenever she encountered her father, she had no strength left to even argue back. She was sick and full of him. Her mother's words and all of the insults, that were once hurt her, started to become airy to her ear.

As she stepped into her house, her father's voice echoed. "Who the fuck do you think you are, Giselle? Just because of me arrested that Winchester's son, you acted as if I killed you. Just who the fuck do you think you are? Tell me!" Richard grabbed a flower vase and then threw it against the floor in front of his daughter. A piece of the sharp glass flew to cut Giselle's ankle.

Richard Chu pointed his finger up at Giselle's face as he continued talking in his angry voice. "Don't you dare ghost me and your mother like in the past month again. I am sick and full of your bullshits. If you are not happy living under this roof, then you are more than welcome to leave this fucking house. I am so upset that I have a daughter like you. It is not like I didn't warn you from the beginning. I told you to stay the hell away from that man. And, what? You never listen to me! You even dared to serve and take care of that piece of trash behind my back with your lowly nursing job. I don't want to see your face again! Get the fuck out of my face right now before I lose my patience. What I hate the most is people who don't listen to me. If you think you are a grown-up and can take care of yourself, then move out of this house. Go live on your own and don't come begging for anything from me. Go do whatever you want!"

Without replying, Giselle turned to make her way towards her bedroom. She closed her small trembling hands into fists as she tried to hold back her tears. She felt like she was going insane. She had never felt so unneeded and isolated until this moment. Her heart, that was already broken, started to shatter into even smaller pieces. Her red eyes glanced around the room before she rushed to the closet to pull out her suitcase.

Everything was so clouded that it made her felt like she was getting suffocated. She had been hearing all of these harsh words for too long. She felt like it should be enough to be added to her life already. Tomorrow for her felt like today, and today felt like yesterday. This time, she decided that she would choose her path. She knew that it was going to be hard on her, but, at that moment, it seemed to be a much better option than choosing to stay. There was no need to live under a roof with someone who had never needed you. They had never loved you. No matter what you'd done for them, they would never be going to acknowledge it.

Giselle dragged her luggage out of the mansion before her mother's voice yelled, "Giselle, come back! Where do you think you are going? Come back, Giselle. You are not allowed to leave this house!"

She ignored as she unlocked the trunk of her car. She lifted her suitcase and then tossed it into the trunk. Before she closed the trunk, a housemaid ran over with her teary eyes. "Young mistress, please don't go. Please forgive the old master. You know right, that he has a bad temper. He said all of those things because he cared about you. No father in this world wouldn't want his kid to be happy."

Giselle bit her bottom lip as tears escaped her eyes. She shook her head slightly and replied heartlessly, "I'm sorry, but I can't. Everything has its limit. I love you so much, auntie. I will miss you." After she said that, she hurried to get into the driver seat. Without looking back at the mansion, Giselle drove out of the front opening gate quickly.

Meanwhile, she was driving, she raised her phone to search for the nearby motel. After she found one, she copied its address to paste onto the GPS. As soon as she looked back up, the red traffic light caused her to step on the brake immediately. Her head swung forward to hit harshly against the steering wheel. She groaned in pain before she blinked a few times to clear her tears away.

After half an hour later, she made her arrival at the parking lot of a motel. She got out of the car slowly to glance around. The motel located on a quiet road, which makes it looked even more sketchy than usual. She locked the car door and then decided to make her way inside through the main entrance door. She asked the receptionist if there was any more room available. A small smile displayed on her lips when she heard that there was another room still open. She quickly reserved the room for two nights before she made her way back out to grab her luggage.

When she arrived at her room, she hurried to lock the door before she went to sit on the soft bed. She sighed out loud as she placed her face into both of her hands. There were so many things that were going on inside of her head. It was like listening to two sides of her debating against one another. She couldn't decide which one to listen to. She had already made her decision and there was no going back.

All of a sudden, her stomach started to growl. She hugged her stomach before she mumbled underneath her breath, "So hungry." She hesitated to get up at first when she thought that she could just go to sleep. A couple of minutes later, Giselle decided to take the car key and made her way out of the room.

After she locked her room door, she turned around to see a couple was making out against the wall near her room. She was going to walk passed them at first, but the familiar figure of that man caused her to pause. She felt her body lost its strength when she came to realize who that man was. Her key dropped immediately to hit the carpet floor as her eyes widened in surprise. That man's hand was holding onto the woman's ass while his face was busy burying into her neck, kissing almost every inch of her. His white shirt was halfway unbuttoned, exposing his old scars that hid underneath it. Giselle's voice came out softly, almost a whisper when she called his name. "Dean?"


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