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Requested? (𝒀𝑬𝑺/No)
Requested by: __mysterious_girl__
Prompt: something cute with Tony :)
Warnings: None!
Disclaimer: I know that Tony is gay! But, for the sake of the request, he is Bi. Please don't attack me!!
Third Person
It was a peaceful day. The wind was blowing through Raven's wavy hair as she enjoyed her ride with Tony. They were riding in Tony's red Mustang. Raven, closed her eyes and let the wind blow against her face.

Raven asked Tony many times where they were going but, he refused to answer, leaving her in the dark. After about twenty minutes of asking and not getting any answers, she let it go and enjoyed herself.

After a thirty minute car drive, they arrive at what seems to be a cliff. Tony cut off the car and got out. He walked over to Raven's side of the car and opened the door for her. "Well, thank you sir." The green eyed girl giggled. "My pleasure." Tony chuckled.

The boy held out her hand for Raven to take. She gladly accepted his hand and walked with him up the cliff. Once they got up there, she looked at the gasped softly. Upon seeing a picnic basket along with a blanket set out on the smooth rock surface. "Wow." Raven breathed. Tony smiles and lead her to the blanket. They both sat down and talked about the most random stuff.

When it was almost time for the sun to set they rearranged themselves on the blanket. The couple watched the sunset together. Raven, had her head on Tony's shoulder while he had his arm wrapped around her waist. "I love you." Tony whispered and kissed the back of Raven's hand. Raven smiled and looked up at Tony. "I love you, too." She kissed him passionately.

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