She went to private school, competed in pageants, and sung in the choir. She was a preacher's kid - at least she used to be. Now, you could catch Embry coupled up with any rich man; from a doughboy to a politician. Her men kept her bills paid and hair laid.

"Miss Embry, you are looking out of this world, as usual."

She smiled, licking the sauce off her fingers. The man standing before her was Councilman Derrick Kimber.

Derrick was in his late fifties with a beautiful suntanned complexion. He was average height, standing at five feet and ten inches, just two inches taller than Embry. He kept his head shaved after it began thinning and opted for a salt and pepper goatee. His wrinkle-free skin, wide smile, and deep dimples made him look fifteen years younger.

"Hey Daddy," Embry fluttered her lashes, moving closer to him. "You ain't been around."

The Councilmen was an old faithful. He was a boring man by most accounts - except for his Saturday night visits at Club Sapphire - and Embry was his only vice. He only came for her. He wouldn't accept a table dance from another girl.

"I've been a little dry, baby," he admitted honestly rubbing over her shoulders. Embry laughed internally. He'd better make sure his pockets were full now. He knew better than to waste her time.

Derrick made two-hundred thousand dollars annually from his job with the city. He had three children. His eldest son was twenty-eight and out on his own. He paid the tuition of his second child, Junior, who was a senior in college. Apparently, Junior changed his major every year. His youngest child, Teresa was fifteen, going on thirty, and every week she wanted something new and expensive.

And still, Derrick, somehow manage to give Embry a weekly "tip" amounting to twenty-five hundred dollars. He'd been borrowing from Peter to pay Paul - just to keep up with his habit - his Embry.

"Well, I've been wet baby," she whispered, her plush lips grazing his neck. "You gon' care for me, Daddy?"

"Of course," he slipped the cash from his pocket, showing her. "I've got the usual amount."

Embry stepped back, "Daddy, you been gone so long the price went up."

"Come on, Embry."

"I'm sorry, baby," she shrugged. Derrick's face fell. He looked as if he would cry, and Embry hoped not. She'd end up laughing in his face, and that would be bad for business.

She picked up the other half of her shot and planted a soft kiss on his cheek. "I'll always have love for you, Daddy." As she began to step away from him, he called her name softly. "Yes, Daddy?" She looked back at him, poking her butt out with soft eyes.

"How much?"

"It's only three thousand, Daddy." Embry touched his shoulder, "Ain't I worth it, Daddy?"

Derrick sighed. He contemplated spending money that he didn't have. Then he thought about his stressful work week. His son complaining to him about his classes, and his wife nagging him about the staleness of their marriage.

He walked over to the row of ATMs and tried his luck. His card to the separate account his wife knew nothing about declined. Next, he sought their joint bank account. His wife would question him until she was blue in the face about the missing money. But he'd worry about that later. Snatching the five hundred dollars from the machine, the only thing on his mind was Embry.

He showed Embry the bundle of cash. "I don't just want a dance."

"Okay," Embry shrugged. He wanted to fuck the woman he fantasized about. He imagined pulling her coiled hair while taking her from behind. He licked his lips at the thought of his goddess.

Embry always gave more than a dance to her regulars. She would always let Derrick suck her breasts and finger fuck her while she gyrated on him until he came in his pants.

"You got a condom?" She spoke with seriousness. Derrick nodded eagerly. She grabbed his hand and led him to a private room.

The back room was musty and hot, instantly sweat began to form on her back. She nodded for Derrick to have a seat on a black sofa while paying the bouncer to disappear.

He dropped his pants around his ankles and massaged his meat. The walls vibrated with aggression; the music pooled into the room, making it challenging to communicate. Which did not bother the pair, there was no talking required. This was just another job for Embry, not putting much effort into the engagement she remained dressed. The netted costume was designed crotchless.

She straddled his waist with a sly smile on her face. He beamed at her angelic appearance. His hands held her waist carefully. She was precious to him. She gripped his stiff member, squeezing and pushing blood to the head. He moaned, closing his eyes and tossing his head back. His lips parted in pure bliss as she eased down on him.

She rotated herself on him. Her slick folds formed stickiness around his shaft, sending his senses into overdrive. She licked the side of his neck, sucking on his ear lobe. She inhaled rosewood, floral fragrance, and minty breath as she kissed him lightly. He applied light pressure to her waist while he jerked and spasmed under her thick thighs. Her pussy was a bright light, filled with splendor and wonder. He felt weak, emptying himself into the protection. He panted, falling into her breast. Embry kissed the top of his head, emulating affection.

She slid off his limp dick, "This was fun."

She wasn't lying. It was fun. She made three thousand dollars in less than five minutes. On the regular visits, she'd have to spend at least an hour with Derrick until he got off. This was much more efficient.

Derrick chuckled, "Next time, it won't be as fast. It's just ... been a while."

Embry nodded without responding. At this point, she wanted her money. She was done with the small talk.

Derrick adjusted himself while standing, "I know I've finished, but I wanted you the whole night. Can we just talk?"

"Is this a joke?" Embry thought, "I'd love to baby, but I've got to get back on the floor. I have other customers."

"I'm just a customer to you?"

"I'm just a hoe to you," she sassed, with a hand on her hip. "You know how the game works, Daddy."

Derrick nodded, disappointed by her response. He handed her the payment as promised. Embry did not care about the busy world of Derrick's imagination. He was just a trick.

"I'll see you next week, Daddy." Embry said, gingerly placing a soft kiss on his cheek and taking her money. Derrick didn't respond, not that she cared anyway. Once she exited the room, she rushed to the locker room to freshen up, breezing by Kenise in the process.

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