Chapter 15 - The Plan

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I wake alone in Jax's bed. I quickly look around, Jax isn't in the room. I can only find my tank top so I pull it on, but it's way to short to just wear it, so I open a drawer I find a T-shirt and pull it on and head down the hallway to the other bedroom where the bag of clothes is, I find a pair of panties and pull them on. I take in the room, there is definitely a bit of a female touch, but it didn't quite feel like it was Gemma's hand, then hear Jax arguing with someone. I head down the hallway to find him pacing in the living room an angry look on his face listening intently to whoever was on the other end.

He finally sees me and grins, and sits down,

 "fine, if that's the way it has to be, I guess it doesn't matter what I say." He snaps the phone closed and tosses it onto the coffee table. I sit in the chair next to the couch and pull my legs up under the T-shirt.

 "So more bad news?" I ask. His hand is in his fresh from the showered hair, 

"not completely, Hale has Steve, he's holding him for questioning" he pauses, 

"so this is bad" I ask.

"Well it sounds like he is claiming he didn't even know if you were here in town, Unser has showed Hale the trackers so they are working on placing him at Joe's last night but it seems we won't get that until Katie wakes up. Bad side is with what they have now they can't hold him much longer." I can tell Jax is in agony over this call. I smile at him, 

"so it's a waiting game, I guess I really should get out of here." I start to stand.

"Katelyn  no, that's not the solution, if you change locations it will just be a matter of time before he finds you again. I have an idea but I'm not sure it will work, but I've got to try." He kneels on the floor in front of me, cups my face in his hands and brushes a kiss on my lips,

 "ok can you go put on some pants, Opie should be here any minute." I giggle,

 "ok fine, I head back to grab a pair of jeans out of the bag of clothes, they are definitely skin tight but I get them on, take off the T-shirt, adjust the tank top then pull on my flats and hear voices in the kitchen.

I get to the kitchen to find Jax and Opie talking, Jax is saying,

 "I don't care what Clay says, I am going down there and that's final" he is pulling on a blue sweatshirt and his kutte.

"Hi Opie," I say 

"so what are we doing?" I say looking to Jax.

He replys 

"we are going back to the clubhouse, where I can make sure you are safe and then I have to go check on something" he looks to Opie, 

"it's for the best, "

He rolls his eye,

 "whatever brother, " and opens the back door, looking to me, 

"you ready"

I smile and walk out the door, Jax locks the door, helps me with my helmet and glasses he straddles his bike and helps me on. And we are back on the road. A few minutes later the gate swings open and we pull into the lot and the gate closes behind us. Jax parks his bike and we dismount, I take off the helmet and glasses handing them back to Jax, who stores them in a saddlebag. He takes my hand and we walk back into the clubhouse. He says hello to several people, then we meet up with Chibs at the bar, 

"aye Jackie, you really think this is the way to go?"

Jax replies, 

"No. I don't but I think it's our only option right now. Don't worry I'm taking Op and Happy with me."

Chibs turns to me,

 "and she's ok with this Jackie?"

'I'm ok with what?" I ask, Jax quickly says,

 "she doesn't have to be ok with it, it what I'm doing.

" He turns to me, "don't worry, I won't be long, just stay here, everything will be fine. I won't be long" he kisses me deeply, 

"you don't have to go" I whisper to him, 

"yes I do" he says walking away.

Jax, Opie and a third guy who I assume is Happy walk out the door and I hear the bikes start and accelerate away.

I climb up on the nearest barstool, next to Chibs, 

"I hope he knows what he's doing" I say to no one in particular.

Chibs laughs nervously 

"Aye, me too lass." Then he turns to me, 

"so my Jackie boy is treating you good?"

'Oh yes he sure is" I quickly reply I reach in my purse and pull out my book and begin reading.

Jax pulls his bike up in front of the Charming Police Station and heads inside, he heads straight to Unser's office where he sees, Unser, Hale and a third man sitting inside, he looks to Unser, "this him?" Unser gives a faint nod, Jax steps in very close to the third man's ear and in a whisper says

 "you know Steve you will never see Katelyn  again, I saw what you did to her you are nothing but a pussified creep." At this the man springs up from his chair and punches Jax dead in the face and continues raining punches on him.

Hale and Unser are on their feet Hale grabs Steve and pulls him away from Jax who now has a black eye and a busted lip, Unser helps Jax out of the office. Jax yells

 "that's assault I want to press charges" he spits some blood into a nearby trash can.

 "Hale I want him arrested for that" Unser pulls Jax further down the hallway,

 "when you said you wanted to speak with him, this was not what I was expecting, son." Unser says to him.

"But now you can hold him, right?" Jax asks,

 "you should be thanking me, I got you what you needed that asshole in jail." And with that he walks out of the police station, smiling crosses the street to his bike where Opie and Happy were waiting for him. He playfully swats Opie, 

"told ya it would work, our man Steve is being booked for assault right now." Opie laughs, "how's that feel?" He asks, pointing at his face. Happy is just laughing. Jax climbs on his bike and off they go.

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