Chapter 10 - Club Reaction

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Jax walks back inside, Clay is busy waking people up, kicking at guys, "table now." 

 They walk into a room off to the side which has a large meeting table as the dominant furniture it is carver with the reaper in its center, the men take their seats, some are not that awake. Clay starts 

"Last night someone almost killed Katie, the barmaid down at Joe's, wasn't a robbery, money was still there, but poor Katie is not doing well. Unser has done everything he can to keep our name out of the investigation, that being said the last group to leave the bar was Jax and crew. So I promised him I would pull us together to see if any of you noticed anything off." He glances around the room, eyes dart to Jax,

 "so son did you notice anything last night?"

Jax pushes his chair back from the table, puts his hand through his hair. "I think it goes without saying that it's awfully coincidental that it might have something to do with Katelyn , that girl from last night. That girl has been through it and it's not my story to tell, but I think that it is definitely related. She hasn't told me the whole story, but I do know she's had a rough time, she's with Gemma right now but for right now I don't want her left alone and I doubt this is over."

He sits up looking at the members gathered around the table inhales deeply, "and I would hope, Clay willing that we look into this a bit and maybe help this girl out."

Chibs lifts his head up and says "whatever you want Jackie my boy."

Bobby, Opie and Tig all nod in acceptance.

Clay lights a cigar, "VP whatever you need, but remember we got that thing in O-town tomorrow, Laroy won't care about you chasing a piece of tail."

Jax nods and Clay says "adjourned "

Chibs walks out with Jax, "so that wee lass really got under your skin, huh"

Jax smiles shaking his head "yeah man she really did, I don't quite get it but I got this sour feeling that we have to help this one, she's not what I expected at all. See if someone can get some more info off the car or the trackers, we got to see who we are up against."

Chibs answers "as soon as juicy gets back I'll get him on it."

Opie walks over to them, "Jax can we talk for a minute"

He nods and they walk off to the side near the bar, "what's up Ope?"

"Well not sure how to take this but, I am worried about my dad, old man is losing it, he's just not the same, was wondering if you might try and talk to him. Hopefully he will show up later today."

Jax smiles, "Opie, you know I will do anything for you, yeah I will feel Piney out and see what's going on."

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