Chapter 7 - Past Life

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I exhale and sit up on the edge of the chair, "you sure you want to hear all this.?"

He nods,

And taking a seat on the bed and taking my hand, "yes I do."

I take a deep breath.

Jax lights a cigarette. And sits back listening...

"So back in high school I was never the popular girl or the girl that the boys wanted to date, so I was shocked when Steve, the high school golden boy, the captain of the football team wanted to date me. I assumed it was some kind of sick joke. But I've been with him ever since. It wasn't bad at first. I mean we got married, and I thought he really loved me. He was the only one there for me when my parents died. Car crash right after he started talking to me. It was so perfect like we were meant to be. I wanted to go to college but after all the expenses from my parents death, that was out. So after we graduated we moved into a small apartment, he got a job working with his dad, it didn't pay much and he was gone a lot. So we were really struggling, I had no idea what to do, I already had no friends, now no family, and I am stuck in this little one bedroom apartment all day and all night. I told Steve I thought I could get a job, and he lost it, that was the first night he hit me. Really hit me, I couldn't leave the house for over a month." I'm shaking but take a few more deep breaths.

Everytime he apologized, I was always at fault, it took me years to realize that it wasn't me, then one night about 2 years ago he beat me so bad they thought he finally killed me, he actually got arrested, when I got out of the hospital I took a cab home grabbed as much stuff as I could threw it in the back of the Honda and left. I made it to Chicago got myself settled, even started dating a guy I met at my new job at I was doing great after about 6 months it started happening weird shit I didn't think any thing of. Like I'd come home and stuff would be moved around my house, doors open that I know I shut, them one day my boyfriend just disappeared and several weeks later there was Steve walking into my apartment building I saw him, he didn't see me, and I ran again, to Denver and it took him 6 weeks to find me, then to Nevada,another town, this time it was only a week. And this has been happening every where I run, so I decided to try Seattle. And well..."

There is a knock at the door. " hold that thought darling,"

"What?" He calls through the closed door.

"Jax it's juice Can I come in?" Comes the reply

He looks to me and I shrug, "sure what's up juice?"

The door opens and in walks the young guy with the Mohawk and skull tattoos.

He walks into the room, "Jax, Unser is here to see you said it can't wait."

He stands up walking towards the door, he stops, turns to me, "You ok to sit here for a few?"

My eyes again deceive me.. I can see the gears turning in his head, he puts his hand on my shoulder then reaches over me for his vest. "Katelyn, this here is Juice, Juice here is going to sit here with you for a few minutes while I take care of whatever Chief Unser wants." Pulling his leather on he leans over and kisses me tenderly on the forehead. "I'll be right back darling, and you can finish the story."

Jax walks out the door, Juice looks nervous and I'm sure finding a girl on the verge of tears in this guy's bedroom was not what he was expecting to find.

He smiles and says "so you aren't from around here, huh"

I am feeling a little better now, "nope sure aren't, but you knew that, you were at the bar last night."

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