Chapter 6 - Coming To

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Jax catches me before I hit the floor, scoops me up.  He puts me right back in bed, covering me back up.  He stretches out next to me, lights a cigarette and watches me sleep.

He is taken back by his unexpected feelings for this intriguing woman who has snuggled her head back onto his chest, her hair smells like coconut and he inhales deeply.  It hard to comprehend how he could care about Someone who he had never seen before just mere hours ago.

He stubs out his cigarette and wraps his arm around her and drifts off to sleep.

My eyes open.  I'm laying on the bed, sunlight is peeking through the blinds over the window.  Jax is beside me propped up on his elbow, gently stoking my hair.  He smiles that gorgeous smile and says "good morning, you feeling better?"

I'm still trying to piece it together, I'm in bed with this gorgeous man.  He's staring me in the eyes, I look away scared of the intimacy.  "This is so not me, I so do not end up in the beds of random strangers, especially random hot strangers."

His grin widens, "darlin' you know how many of those crow eaters out there would kill for just a glimpse of the inside of this room."

My eyes wide "crow eaters?" I ask.

"Oh yeah that's right you aren't from around here, "

Laughing i reply "I get that a lot."

"Yeah I forgot, well the club, my club is the Redwood Original chapter of the Sons of Anarchy, but for short it's SAMCRO, hence those groupie girls are crow eaters, like Liza, she just hangs around hoping one of us guys will be drunk or desperate enough to bring her inside."

Feeling like I might have just been insulted, "Well it's been real" reaching for my jeans, he grabs my wrist, I freeze.  My eyes must have given me away again.

"I need to get back to my room, I really need to get moving again."

He has loosened his grip on my wrist and is now sitting next to me on the bed, "well you aren't going anywhere until we look at your car, it looks like a rolling death trap, besides it's been a long time since I found someone I actually wanted to spend some time with..."

I just nod "you definitely are a complex man."

His hand is in his hair again, he smirks "well I do like to live dangerously, and if you want to live dangerously I'll drop you back at that rat trap you are staying at, but honestly you are much safer here with me."

We are sitting on the side of the bed when I hear it, my cell phone rings that I got a new text message, I reach for my purse dig out my phone and when I see the message there is only one word, "Charming". I look up  and realize the phone has fallen from my fingers Jax picks my phone up off the bed, where it landed and he reads it, "wanna tell me about it." He asks

"I really need to leave like now"  I say getting up to finish getting dressed, not that I know what to do, but thinking that putting as much space between myself and Charming might just be the best idea.

"If you are in some kind of trouble, maybe I can help?" Jax pleads

As I see the look in his eye, I feel like I can trust him, tell him anything, but I thought that with Steve when we first met back in high school and look where that got me.

"It's a long story that would probably bore you. Besides there's not much you can do hell there is not much I can do, I thought I could get away, I'm guessing I can't."

He takes my hands, holding them tight.  " ok so i know we have only known each other a few hours but there is something about you, the first time I saw you sitting there at the bar, I knew I had to protect you."

Giggling I said "you did from that creepy guy." 

"Yeah but more than that, like I said Tiggy is harmless, but something just tells me you are the key that I have been looking for.  So spill it, who texted you "

I turn away as I pull my pink T-shirt back on.  "Well the number was blocked so there is nothing we can do."

"You would be surprised what I can do, can I hold onto your phone for a few?  He is lacing up his shoes, his jeans are pulled on but still not fastened.

"But you know who it is, come on what's his name?"

"Ok I will tell you but I think I need some coffee first." I answer.

Jax gets up, puts my phone in his pants pocket and turns to me, "don't move I'll be right back"

He leaves the room. 

I get up and begin straightening the room, more of a nervous habit, and pick up his vest tossing it onto the bed, something falls out and hits the floor, I look down, it's a handgun. That's when it hits me, maybe this isn't the man I think he is, I mean he carries a gun, Steve carried a gun and again look how that is turning out. 

I hurry to stick it back into the vest and leave the vest on the bed...

I hear footsteps and Jax walks in clutching two mugs, I can smell the coffee, it doesn't smell bad. Actually it smells divine.

I reach for a cup as Jax hands it to me. I put the cup to my lips and inhaled the fragrance. Taking a drink.

"You looked like a black, 3 sugars kind of girl, you good?" He asks.

I smile at him, not sure if it is a nervous smile or not.

"You are really good at this... so you really want to hear this boring story." Hoping he lost interest.

But he hadn't. "I'm waiting."

I drink some more of my coffee setting my cup down on the table beside the bed.

I take a deep breath..

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