Chapter 2 - Enter Jax

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Katie disappears into the kitchen, in search of my food. I can smell the motorcycle exhaust even before the door flys open.

First through the door is the youngest guy I have seen yet in this town, he has a close cut mohawk and tattoos on the side of his skull. The men at the bar stand, moving towards the door to greet their friends.  The second one to enter has longish stringy hair and a long visible scar across his entire face.  The men are hugging and greeting each other when the door opens again.  In walk 2 more men, we'll barely they are much younger than even the mohawked man. 

I start to read again when I hear the door open once more, I glance up to see the last man walk inside.  The man that walks in is gorgeous, long blond hair, a scruffy face and the most piercing blue eyes I had ever seen. As I am looking towards the door, the guys are still all hugging and high-fiving the new arrivals.  I return to reading my book, sinking myself back into the 1920's New York world of Howard Roark.

I can smell the beer before I notice the man walking up to me, it's the shifty eye guy from the bar, he slides into the booth next to me, tossing his arm around me. He looks at me with a drunken look on his face, "I'm Tig, you aren't from around here are you?" He slurs, I roll my eyes at him, take a nice long sip of my knob creek and " I'm just passing through and I am pretty sure the waitress already told you that, but I'm trying to read my book and relax, and not be bothered." 

He leans in closer his hot beer breath stings my face, "I'm trying to be welcoming, now why do you be grateful and gimme a little welcome kiss."

I shove him as hard as I can, he falls out of the booth onto the floor in a heap.  I respond, "I tried to be nice now please just leave me alone."

His jaw drops and very loudly he exclaims  "Look bitch, I was just trying to be nice!"  The others are on their feet, headed in our direction.

"You are drunk please leave me alone" I say much more calmly than I expected it to come out.

He is now yelling "you think you are too good to even tell me your fucking name, fine be that way you filthy fucking whore!"

With this his friends grab him and pull him back to the bar.  I'm shaking, it's too soon, I can feel the tears welling up in my eyes, I put my head down trying to compose myself, as I wipe the tears from my eyes I sense another person slide into the booth across from me. I open my eyes and there is the man who just walked in.  He flashes a smile that could melt the ice caps. It made my heart skip a beat.

"Hi, darling, The name is Jax and I apologize for Tig, he is usually harmless but as you noticed he has had a few too many tonight.  He lost a friend this week so he's not himself.  Which still is no excuse for his behavior."

I am mesmerized by his eyes, I have never seen such beautiful eyes in my life.  "He should never have called you names, that was just not cool. So you aren't from around here are you?"
I shake my head indicating no.
"So what brings you into Charming?" He asks running his fingers though his hair, in a move that is just so sexy.

"Well pleasure to meet you Jax, I'm just passing through and saw the sign and figured a night it Charming could be fun.  I'm just headed to Seattle to get a fresh start in life."

We are interrupted by Katie who has my food.  She is almost visibly drooling as she leans in "hi Jax. Can I get you anything?" The emphasis on the word anything said she wasn't just talking about something at the bar. She swoons some more. 

Jax rolls his eyes at me and says "yeah just bring me a beer and my new friend whatever she's drinking and have Chibbs pay the bill." She leaves backing away from the table not taking her eyes off Jax. I definitely understand he is gorgeous and I can't believe that he is still sitting here with me. As soon as she is out of hearing distance, he says to me "that girl has been crazy about me for years, she just doesn't get the hint that she's not my type."
I think to myself, he has a type, I bet I don't fit that type either, I'm sure his type is tall thin with huge fake boobs and bleached blonde hair.  "You know you don't have to keep me company I can sit here I have my book and am perfectly happy just reading." I say.

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