Chapter 21: The Horde

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Location: Perth


It started as a blur on the horizon, which slowly grew into a massive group of zombies. It was the biggest he’d ever seen, there must have been hundreds.

The closest zombies stumbled into a tripwire, and the claymores exploded. The majority of the horde was still moving.

“Shit,” he muttered, aiming the rifle at a zombie dressed in a ripped suit.

“Fire!” yelled the American, and a volley of gunfire hit the creatures. Many of them fell to the ground or were blasted backwards by the force of the bullets.

A tank rolled across the street, firing as it came. Explosions joined the gunshots. The zombies closed in, more coming out of buildings.

A scream came from behind, and he saw a soldier being torn apart. They were now under attack on all fronts.

Williams climbed halfway up the fire escape on a building, and shot from a distance.

A hand came through a window, reaching for him. He shot it, but the recoil loosened his grip on the ladder. He fell a few stories before regaining his hold on the fire escape.

He yelled on pain as the force of his fall threatened to tear his arm out of its socket. The Model 70 fell to the ground, where a small group of zombies was waiting for him to fall.

Under him, the zombies were swarming the vehicles. Terrified screams echoed though the deserted city as the soldiers realised that there were too many for them to take out.

The rusty poles keeping the ladder in place creaked, and one of them fell out of the wall. He climbed as fast as he could, but more and more fell out of the wall.

The entire section of ladder he was on fell to the ground. The caged ladder fell, and he hit the ground. Zombies climbed over the cage, trying to get inside. Were it not for the bars, he would have been dead in seconds.

He fumbled for the pistol in his belt, and lifted it to his mouth. The cool metal left a rusty taste in his mouth. He turned the safety off. Pictures flashed through his mind, of Jake, his lost wife, the explosion burning Sydney. Images of ruined Darwin, of the research lab collapsing into the ground.

A zombie put its arm into the cage, and gripped his chest, the sharp claws drawing blood. He thumbed back the hammer, and his finger curled around the trigger…

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