Chapter 16: Abduction

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Location: Perth


Eight days later...

It was dark when they finally staggered into Perth. Jake limped, due to a rolled ankle, and Williams supported him. They were covered in dust and zombie blood, and they were parched and starving. Jake still didn’t know about Johnny, and Williams didn’t bring it up.

They broke into a bar with boarded-up windows, hoping to find food. The bartender was rotting on the floor, a massive chunk missing from his arm. A pistol lay on the floor next to the body.

The only food in the place was bar nuts, beef jerky and beer, but they were happy to see anything at all. Cal looked though one of the cracks in the boards and saw zombies roaming the streets, but much less than Melbourne. No sign of recent human activity.

He surveyed the building roofs, and came across a small shape. He looked away for a minute, and it was gone.

A zombie sank to the ground. And another. One by one, they all died. Cal beckoned for Williams and Jake to follow him, and they stepped out onto the street. They slowly checked the alleyways for people who could have killed the creatures but found none. Then Cal saw the red dot on the back of Jake’s head.

“Jake, get down!” Jake dropped to the ground. Williams shot a bullet in the direction of the sniper, but the bullet ricocheted off a roof tile. The last bullet in the gun.

Cal felt a machete slide onto his neck, and Jake saw the blade. He lifted the .45, but it was kicked out of his hands. A figure dropped from the roof, smacking Williams in the head with a sniper rifle. He fell to the ground, blood leaving a stain in the cap he wore.

“Get them to the van,” the person said, and Cal realised it was a woman. Two people ran from the shadows and pulled Jake and Williams to a black van parked in an alley.

The woman turned her weapon onto Cal. “Drop the gun.” Cal realised that he was tightly gripping the pump on his shotgun, as if he was going to shoot someone.                                                                                                 He obediently laid it at her feet, and she picked it up. The one with the machete pulled his handguns from their holsters.

“Were any of you bitten?” she demanded. When he shook his head, they put him in the van as well, and it began to move.         

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