Chapter 11: Drugs

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Location: Research Station


He was still worried about how the others would react. Cal seemed to have no problem, Jake hadn’t said a word, but it was Johnny he was most afraid of. The man was psychotic. When he was high, at least.

They all stood at the door to the escape tunnel. A draft came from the darkness, creating a moaning sound in the distance. They all were silent as they listened, trying to pick up a sound from the tunnel. But if there was something alive in it, it was very quiet. Or at the other end.

Cal spoke first. “I don’t know about you guys, but I am not going into that tunnel.”

Johnny murmured his assent. The pot was starting to take effect. Williams could tell by the way he was calm, and not really tuned into reality. He would have to careful now, because the slight mention of his part in the virus would set Johnny off like a firecracker.

“Hello?” Williams called down the tunnel. The word echoed through the tunnel, and kept going til it could no longer be heard. Johnny began to laugh, and they all stared at him until he shut up. The dude was definitely stoned.

“What do we do now?” Jake asked.

Williams rummaged through a few desk drawers and found a USB drive.

“We take it with us.”                                                                                 Johnny began to snicker from a corner. The snicker escalated into a laugh. Between bouts of hysteria, he choked out “Yeah, because he doesn’t remember all of it.” His laugh echoed through the escape tunnel, down the hallway, up the elevator shaft.

“How is that funny?” Cal demanded. Williams appreciated the effort, but he was silently screaming at Cal to shut up. Johnny was going to crack soon.

Jake slipped unnoticed into the tunnel, a flashlight in one hand and Williams’ Colt in the other. 

“Shut up, you fucking drug addict!” Cal yelled at Johnny. Williams sunk to the ground, his head in his hands. Johnny stopped laughing for a second to investigate what had made the sound. When he saw Williams leaning against a bench, he narrowed his eyes and was standing up in seconds. He aimed his shotgun at Williams.   


Johnny aimed the Lupara at the zombie that was huddled on the ground. Everything but the zombie was a blur. He could faintly hear a voice telling him not to. Cal.


“Don’t do it, Johnny!” Cal yelled. Johnny ignored him, and slid two red shells into the barrels. He was about to pull the trigger when Cal knocked the gun out of his hands.


Johnny snarled at Cal, but ran towards the zombie. He leaped on top of it, and began to pummel it with his fists. The zombie fought back, not trying to bite him. Johnny didn’t care.


Williams fought back, and shook Johnny off him. Johnny was stronger, however, and grabbed Williams by the hair and started banging his head on the floor. Williams backhanded Johnny across his face, and tried to reach for his switchblade.


 The zombie had a knife, but Johnny saw the movement, and grabbed the knife first. He threw it across the room. He then proceeded to strangle the zombie, trying to rip its head off.


 As he fought for air, Williams was vaguely aware that Cal was trying to pull Johnny off. His vision dimmed, and the last thing he heard was a gunshot.

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