"Two people playing chess?" Luke asked, a little confused. He stared at the painting of two black silhouettes playing chess; a girl and a boy. The girl's slender fingers picked up a bishop and the boy had his chin resting on his intertwined hands. Why did the picture seem so familiar, like Luke saw it before? But he could've swore he didn't.

"I-I don't know. It was the first thing in my mind. I remember playing chess in some dark place, I remember being so happy but I-I don't remember where or who with," Rebecca said, sounding a little shaken up. Luke smiled at her.
"It looks great," he muttered, finally remembering the time Rebecca played Luke in chess.

After a rainy Saturday, Luke was stuck in Cal's Café to close it up and Rebecca had just finished watching the Riverstone Hawks verse the Cronulla Vipers in a soccer game. She walked in, completely soaked in her pretty sundress. The forecast said nothing about rain but it was winter, so they should've suspected something. Luke was stunned to see Rebecca. He didn't know how to react as he just turned sixteen. He hadn't liked someone as much as he liked Rebecca.
"Are you going to just stand there or help me dry up?" she chuckled. Luke pulled her into his arms and hugged her. He felt her beating heart quicken at his motions and he smiled to himself. He knew that heart beat for no one but him.
"Come, I have some clothes in the back," Luke said, pulling his almost-girlfriend into the back room, behind the kitchen.
"Thanks," Rebecca said. Luke handed her black soccer shorts that he's had for awhile and a The Killers shirt he got from his Nan the Christmas before. He waited for her just outside of the bathroom and he looked at Rebecca up and down and smirked.
"Well don't you look cute."
"Don't I always?"

Luke led Rebecca to a seat and pulled out a chess box from under it. During the times that he had shifts, he saw so many people play. The last to play were two twin elders. Intently he watched and the man that ordered unlimited decaf coffees won against his brother.

"Chess?" Rebecca laughed.
"Don't underestimate my skills," Luke said, setting up the little statues to where they were supposed to go.
"Okay, okay I won't. So, is this what you do in your free time? Play chess?"
"Yup. I'll make you a deal. If you win, you get the honour of being my girlfriend. If I win, I get the honour of being your boyfriend. Deal?"

Rebecca's cheeks turned the brightest red as she giggled at Luke's stupid deal. He thought it was the idea was genius but it was probably stupid. It didn't matter in that moment because Rebecca won and she gave Luke a kiss on the cheek saying "Well well well boyfriend, it looks like you need to sharpen up your skills!"

Luke made her waffles and loaded the maple syrup and whipped cream. He put a heap of fruits on top and the same chocolate malt shake he made her on their 'first date.' Little did he know that was all it take to win her over.

"It can dry in your car; come on I want to see you in a tux," Rebecca laughed. Luke rolled his eyes.
"I don't wear tuxes to award shows. Maybe something close to it," he said. Luke let Rebecca go out the door first and he drove to the usual shop he went to, to find whatever he needed.

Rebecca spied a few shirts and threw them in Luke's way. She filled his arms with a big pile of clothes and shooed him off into the dressing rooms.
"All of this?" he groaned.
"Yes Luke, go," Rebecca said.

Although he hated trying on so many clothes and feeling like a girl, he longed for Rebecca to say his name again. It sounded the way chocolate felt in your mouth: amazing. Rebecca was all Luke thought about whilst he changed. Did she remember playing chess with Luke when they officially became a couple? Did she remember the malt shake and the waffles? Did she remember the track meets in the rain, the track meets in the hot blazing sun? Did Rebecca remember the sweet kisses when Rocco wasn't looking? Did she feel anything? Why was it so easy to break his heart and move on?

Red Roses [Luke Hemmings]Where stories live. Discover now