Ch. 3

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The two skeletons continued to argue. It almost got to the point where one was about to kill the other.

Nightmare, however, was not focused on that. He was still trying to figure out what the he'll happened to him. He should technically be dead right now. How wasn't he?...... Did it have to do with that nice voice?

He sighed silently. Asking questions in his head weren't going to help him figure out this crap. He then realized that he would probably need to hide his identity.... At least until he can figure stuff out. He pulled his hood up, casting a identity cloak spell. It over shadowed his face to where no one would recognize any of his facial features. He relaxed at that knowledge.

His relaxation didn't last long. Someone roughly grabbed his shoulder, making him yelp as he was roughly pulled up from his hiding spot. He spun around, about to tell off the person ( he forgot he was supposed to stay hidden), only to freeze in his tracks.

The person who had a iron grip on his arm was taller than him , him reached their lower ribs. The wore a blue jacket with a grey hood, a red target seemingly floating in front of them. They were a skeleton with pale bones, eyesockets empty as black liquid dripped from his eyesockets. He had a large grin spreading on his face. He honestly looked creepy in Nightmare's opinion.

Anyways, the skeleton was dragging nightmare over to the goopy skeleton. The eyelightless skeleton spoke, his voice raspy," Boss, found a survivor."

The goopy skeleton snapped his attention to the skeleton and nightmare.

Nightmare gulped as the goopy skeleton studied him.

The dream lookalike yelled," Let him go!!"

The goopy skeleton smirked, not looking at the starry eyed skeleton. The octopus(nightmare decided to nickname him that) walked up to him, grabbing nightmare's chin and making him look up at him.

Nightmare immediately got triggered and slapped the taller skeleton's hand away, a glare sent towards him.

This seemed to have surprised the octopus, as his eyesocket widened. He then grinned," this one seems to not bow down to others.... Interesting..."

Let's just say, that was NOT the right thing to say to Nightmare, leader of the memesquad.

Nightmare immediately grabbed his staff out of nowhere and jabbed the eyeless skeleton in the knee, causing said skeleton to yell out in pain and fall to the ground.

Nightmare backed away from them, deciding now was not the time to talk. He felt if he did talk it would be bad.

Both the dream lookalike and the goopy skeleton seemed surprised by Nightmare's staff. Like they seen something similar to it before.

Nightmare then smirked, waving a tiny bit before signing in sign language " Ninja vanish " . He then promptly threw a smokebomb that he somehow had, it creating the perfect diversion when he heard them cough in shock. He slipped away easily, hiding farther away in one of the broken and darkened buildings. He stayed hidden, his soul beating fast. He was glad he had that randomness factor, otherwise that wouldn't have worked.

A few seconds later he heard someone teleport and an angry corrupted yell. Got em. Nightmare grinned, wanting to laugh his head off but also didn't want to get caught.

He held his staff close to himself , looking to his left to joke about it to his friends. He paused, realizing his friends weren't there. He slumped slightly, his soul dropping from a wave of sadness hit him like a bullet. Loneliness filled his being, tears slowly falling down his face. He then scoffed, wiping his tears away. He's cried too much today.... H-he shouldn't cry anymore... H-he shouldn't...

His shoulders shook as as quiet sobs left his mouth. He hid his face in his hands, his tears slipping through his fingers and hitting the ground. He couldn't handle the pain he felt everytime he thought about his friends.... About how they.... He just......

He felt someone gently lay their hand comfortingly on his shoulder, his head snapping up in shock. His eyelights met two mismatched eyelights. The right one was just red, the left was red with blue surrounding it. It was a pale skeleton in front of him. The skeleton wore a jacket similar to the eyeless one, except he didn't have a target thingy in front of him. There was a dusty layer on the skeleton's clothing. Nightmare would've backed away from him but something stopped him.

The skeleton's expression was kind, holding care in it. They looked concerned, worry filling their expression. It reminded him of when his friends asked if he was ok after escaping JR. They asked in a soft, kind tone,"... Kid... Are you ok....?"

Nightmare whimpered, trying to hold in his sobs. It failed.

The person pulled him into a hug, catching Nightmare off guard. Nightmare , after a few seconds, broke down. He hid his face in the skeleton's shoulder, tears falling freely as sobs left him. He missed his friends. A lot.

The hug felt nice. It made him feel protected. Only his friends could do that. Make him feel safe.

After a while, he felt his eyes droop, him slumping slightly. He heard a soft humming, it reminding him of a lullaby. It made him sleepy.

He slowly closed his eyes, the feeling of safety never leaving him. Then he fell into a comfortable sleep.

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