Ch. 4

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Nightmare slowly came to. His mind was fuzzy.

He felt warmth. It.... Was nice in a way. Comforting. He nuzzled into the warmth, a small smile forming on his face as he purred happily. It felt like he was on a cloud.

He could now hear voices. One of them being right above his head while the others being farther away. The one above his head sounded awfully familiar....

"Who do you think it is?", he could now hear what they were talking about.

There was a short silence followed by," I dunno. He looks like a regular skeleton/sans to me."

"But... Didn't boss kill the sans?"

" yeah! So is this another sans??"

"....... He ReMiNdS mE oF nIgHtMaRe...."

Nightmare perked up slightly at the voice and his name. Wait... Was that....

The voice closest to him interrupted his thoughts," Yeah, he does.... I would say if nighty wasn't corrupted, this teen would be what he would look like." 

Nightmare froze, realization hitting him. Those voices... The one closest to him and the glitched one...... They sounded EXACTLY like his best friends. They sounded EXACTLY like cross and Error. But... They couldn't be.... His best friends were gone..... So.... That must mean they belong in whatever multiverse he was in..... His PTSD was going to act up , wasn't it?

The quiet, kind voice Nightmare recognized as the skeleton who comforted him spoke up,".... Guys.... I think he's about to wake up...."

It was quiet for a bit. Nightmare couldn't move, meaning he was either stuck tied up or he was still mostly out of it. He soon was conscious enough to notice there were arms around him, hugging him close to someone. He wanted to jolt away but.... The warmth was soft comforting... And He was comfortable.

He accidentally shifted, causing the arms to tighten around him.

He slowly opened his eyes groggily. At first, everything was blurry.

It took a while, but he eventually could see. He didn't move, finding how he was laying very comfortable. From what he could see, he was in a living room. And.... There were skeletons surrounding him.

Most of them he didn't recognize. But....

There was someone who looked ALOT like error. Except he was covered in cracks, scars, and bruises. Then there was that eyeless guy and that kind guy.

Nightmare couldn't see who was holding him but he could only guess it was the world's cross. It only made sense.

It seemed someone noticed Nightmare waking up because someone said," Wait, I think he's waking up."

All their attention was turned to him and he suddenly became bashful. He wasn't used to so much attention. Usually only his friends or his brother and his goonies paid attention to him.

Nightmare hid his face in the skeleton who was holding him's chest, feeling very shy at that moment.

He could hear one of them chuckle as a deeper ruggy voice spoke," He seems shy..."

The eyeless one spoke up," He didn't seem shy when he pulled a ninja vanish on me , boss, and boss's brother."

The voice that sounded like cross snickered," He pulled a what?! Oh my gosh, is he a meme Lord like epic or something!" They laughed.

" I don't know.... Hey kid , stop hiding and tell us about yourself?"

Nightmare slowly lifted his head, looking at all of them again. He scooted away from the cross lookalike, hiding his face in his cloak. He mumbled," what would you like to know....?"

The error lookalike asked," WhO aRe yOu? WhErE aRe yOu fRoM? AnD wHy dO yOu lOoK lIkE nIgHtMaRe?"

Nightmare looked at this world's error with the most serious expression he could muster and said," Do you mean the octopus?"

All of them started laughing after a moment of silence. Nightmare cracked a smile, snickering himself.

The kind one laughed softly," yeah, he means the 'octopus'."

Nightmare pretended to think about it before saying," Hhhhhmmmm why should I tell you with you telling me about your selves first?"

The one with a hole in their skull mumbles," He makes a point..."

The kind sighed softly," ok.... I'm dust. The one with a hole in their skull is Horror, the Oreo is cross, the glitchy is Error, and the one with a target in front of them is killer. Boss isn't here right now but the goopy guy is him. Will you answer Error's questions now...?"

Nightmare thought about it before saying," alright.... Uhm.... For the first one it's uh complicated cuz I think it ties into the last one.... I... Think I'm from another multiverse..... One similar but different from here.... Uh... And........" Nightmare hesitated.

"And.... My name is Nightmare....."

Happy Endings Do Come To Those Who Endure Hardship...Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz