Chapter 170

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One more surprise, and one more A/N.  We've finally reached the end of Eagle.  Five years ago today, I officially posted it, and in a few minutes, I will mark it complete.  When I started this thing, I never imagined that it would become something so long, or so popular.  I can't thank you all enough for the 530K views, and for continuing to vote and comment on the chapters.  I've wrapped the story up pretty well, and depending on what happens in the future with the MCU, I may or may not add to the ending, as of right now, I would say that that's really unlikely.

I love y'all, thanks for sticking with me, and I hope you enjoy this last chapter.

Later that evening, Thor pulled Valkyrie, Loki, and myself aside. It was past midnight at this point, and I was three off-ramps beyond buzzed, but the rest of them were still sober. And as soon as Thor started talking, though, the pleasant warmth faded.

"I, uh, I won't be staying here. I'm going to leave and travel with the Guardians."

"Thor!" Loki and I exclaimed.

"The people need a king." Valkyrie insisted.

"No, they already have one." I saw Loki stiffen beside me. I had to admit, I wasn't wild about the idea either. If Loki was going to be king of Asgard–and this would make it for the third time? Then he would have very little time for Dreyma and I, let alone for us to get to know each other again.

"No, I'm sorry, brother, but I have a family to think of now and–"

"I wasn't talking to you." His eyes were fixed on Valkyrie. She laughed.

"That's funny."

"Valkyrie, I don't think he's kidding." Her grin faded, and she looked at him with new eyes.

"You're being serious?" Thor nodded, finally dropping his gaze to the ground, and then the wall. Then the ceiling.

"It's time for me to be who I am rather than who I'm supposed to be."

"That much like Mother." Loki said softly.

"Aye, she said something of the sort to me."

"That reminds me, Mira. I have something for you and Dreyma. From Mother."

"Really? What?"


"But you," Thor was saying to Valkyrie, "You're a leader. That's who you are."

"You know I'll make a lot of changes." Thor chuckled.

"I'm counting on it. Your majesty." Her head snapped back towards him at that.

"Your majesty." Loki echoed. I did the same.

"Stop it," She said to us, "Both of you. You're still crown royals and next in line." Loki rolled his eyes.

"What else is new?" But the smirk vanished as quickly as it had appeared, "When do you leave?"

"Tomorrow, as soon as the inebriation wears off," He gestured back to where everyone was, "For them."

"Hey, Thor! Loki!" Steve shouted, coming around the corner, "I brought something for you." He hefted a large bottle of dark blue liquid.

"Is that what I think it is?" Steve nodded.

"Does the challenge for a drinking competition still stand?"

"Yes, of course! Loki, come on!" Thor was already hurrying back to the party. Loki groaned, but followed without any other complaint, leaving me standing confused, next to Valkyrie.

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