Chapter 20

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Almost seven thousand views.  I can't even believe this.  Thank you all so, so much!  No words can explain how grateful I am that you take the time to read my story.  I know things may seem a little boring at the moment but I promise that they will pick up again later....

The halls were quiet. It was slightly eerie, over the few days I had gotten used to seeing servants walking silently and seemingly unnoticed but now that they were gone, I felt like I was in a haunted house of some sort. If Loki wasn't with me, I would've bolted. Our synced footsteps echoed loudly off the walls, making it seem like we were in a church. Loki refused to release me from his grasp, keeping an arm around my body and his right hand resting on my opposite hip, ensuring that the left side of my body was pressed against his right. I didn't really feel like wasting energy on my wings so I let them out and wrapped one of them around Loki. He was startled at first but began stroking the feathers within his reach, sending little shockwaves down my spine. Having someone play with my feathers was like having someone play with my hair. I could fall asleep to him doing that. The little bolts of pleasure were occupying most of my attention. My walking was put on automatic and I leaned into his cool, strong body, letting my eyes drift shut and allowing him to guide me.

We arrived at the library doors far too soon. Even before they were opened, I could hear the annoyed voices of the Warriors Three and Sif from within. The two of us walked in silently, not wanting to interrupt the conversation. We found them in the sitting area lounging on the sofas.

"All we are trying to say Thor, is that it is very unusual for you to stop our sparring practice to come to the library. What's going on?"

"The Lady Mira and Loki wish to confide something."

"What? That Mira is with child? It wouldn't be the first time Loki had a child out of wedlock." Out of the corner of my eye, I saw Loki flinch.

"No, the Lady Mira is not with my child to my knowledge."

"But they have been sleeping together."

"Not in the sense that you are implying, Lady Sif. Mira and I have been sharing a bed, nothing more."

"And we're supposed to take your word for that, Liesmith?"

"It's not a lie. All that has between Loki and myself are kisses, nothing more."

"Of course, forgive us, Lady Angel."

"I am not an angel." That got their attention.

"You cannot tell anyone. If my father were to find out the truth, he will banish her from this realm."

"But she will be executed for lying to royalty!"

"I never lied. I have never claimed to be an angel. Odin assumed it and I never corrected him."

"What are you then? Some demon?"

"In a sense." This made them draw weapons and before I could explain, both princes jumped in front of me.


"She's an unnatural beast and must be destroyed." At that, I zoned out, Hogan's voice echoing in my head. I could hear Thor and Loki arguing with them in the distance but none of the words that reached my ears were comprehended. Unnatural. Beast. Destroyed. I bowed my head. Hogan was right.

Loki's POV

"You are all mad! Mira is more of an angel than any of you!"

"She is a creature of darkness!"

"She's not!"

"The Lady Mira is an honorable woman. The only thing that makes her different from us is her wings!"

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