She decided, "I'm okay, I just needed my best friend" she said with a heavy sigh.

"Cut the bullshit Sash, what's going on? Are you hurt? Did he hurt you? I can murder him, we can cremate him in my uncle's crematorium, no one will find out. Us against the world just like when we were younger"

Sasha chuckled, knowing full well he meant every word. He loved her like a sister that way. She always had a crush on him, and when they were in high school he made it clear that they were just best friends and he will never have any romantic feelings for her, she felt dejected but she kept it to herself, but Michela knew, and Michela would always try to hook Sasha up with any nice guy she knew. When they graduated high school, Michela went to Europe to pursue her dream of becoming a plus size model and she is on major runways now, Sasha and Clayton ended in New York, with her doing culinary and he studied business in NYU.

"It's okay Clay, I'm fine, he did not physically abuse me (he cheated on me- that part she kept to herself). When are you coming back?"

"I know you are trying to change the topic cupcakes, you can always talk to me, you're like my sister, I will always love and protect you. But i'm coming back in 3 days, you're gonna meet my girl Monica" Sasha's heart clenched whenever Clayton called her his sister, she didn't know why but she absolutely hated it, neither has she mentioned it to him.

"Would love to meet Monica, call me when you've settled in, we can hang out together before Michela comes back. Haven't seen you in 3 years, I missed you Clay" she sighed.

"Yes, I missed you too Sash. We need to talk though, about what happened 3 years ago and something else" Sasha's stomach churned, she knew nothing good will come from the conversation.

"Will talk when I'm back ya, look Sash I've gotta go, Monica is calling me. Text me babe. Don't cry, whatever it is, everything will be fine." and with that Clayton hung up.

Sasha realised that she stopped crying by now, she was nervous to see Clayton again, but she had other pressing matters to worry about. Raphael is cheating on her, he is having an affair. She needed to calmly think about what she should do next, should she confront him or break it off?

After some thought, and two shots of tequila, she decided to head to the restaurant to see who Cassie was and how she should deal with the situation. She grabbed her purse, still in her work attire she left for the restaurant. On the way there, she had hopes to catch him in the act, hoping that she did not need to have the confrontational talk and just break it off, she loved Raphael, she adored him, all she wanted was to be loved and adored the same way.

Does he love Cassie? Or does he love her? Or was he just some jackass? Was their entire relationship just a rouse? What could he have gained from cheating on her? Sasha was confused, frustrated and angry by this point.

"Oh hello Sasha" the maitre'd Veronica, or Ronny for short greeted smiling.

"Hey Ron, is he around?"

"Nope, he's taken off" Ronny adjusted, looking uncomfortable

"Where is Cassie?" and with that Ronny's face fell. So she knew, who else knew Sasha wondered fuming.

"Oh Sasha, I'm sorry" Ronny looked down sighing

"It's not your fault Ron. Just tell me where she is, I want to meet her"

"She's taken off too" Sasha knew then they were probably out on a date or in her apartment.

"How long" Sasha asked, without realizing she was crying, Ronny grabbed her arm and escorted her to a nearby table and poured Sasha a glass or water.

With sadness in Ronny's eyes, she said "A year, their anniversary is today"

"Oh" that's the only thing Sasha could muster. All the hurt, all the pain, everything just started to rush in, and Sasha broke down. Ronny couldn't take her eyes off Sasha, and signaled a waiter to attend to the guests while she comforted Sasha.

After what seemed to be like an eternity, Sasha asked "Where does she live?" which stunned Ronny, as Ronny knew Sasha wasn't a confrontational person. Ronny just nodded and wrote down Cassie's address. Sasha thanked her and gathered herself, she needed to leave before she made a bigger fool of herself.

"I'm so sorry Sasha, I wanted to tell you, but from past experience, not everyone is willing to believe their partner is cheating on them, especially from someone else." said with a sad smile

"It's okay Ronny, I know Mrs Cliff will come to her senses soon. Thank you for not lying to me" briefly remembering 2 years ago, Mr Cliff the owner of the restaurant was having an affair with a barely legal girl, and when Ronny found out, Ronny decided to tell Mrs Cliff, and Mrs Cliff threw things at Ronny calling her a liar, and making accusations that Ronny was trying to seduce Mr Cliff.

"You can call me, if you need someone to talk to. I promise to bring you some amazing ice cream" Ronny promised, Sasha just nodded and smiled at her.

Sasha hailed the next available cab, and gave the piece of paper Ronny gave her, it wasn't long till they arrived at Cassie's apartment. Sasha wondered how she was going to enter the building, just as she was thinking of it, someone was walking in and she quickly trailed behind.

She was now standing in front of Cassie's apartment, Sasha could hear shuffling noises in the apartment, it was a sign that Cassie was home. She did not know what possessed her, she brought her hand up to the door and knocked. 

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