Chapter 25: Talks

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Damian and Lindsey sat opposite the Hollings. The two elders seemed the most serious Lindsey had ever seen them. All that ran through Lindsey's mind was what they could possibly want to talk about. And to both of them at the same time.

Damian looked between the two Hollings. He knew that this would be a business meeting. A meeting to talk about their future and the future of Holling Oil and possibly Wayne Enterprises. He clenched his teeth and took Lindsey's hand.

Damian knew that whenever the Hollings talk to Lindsey about their business, she gets upset. He didn't want her to get upset because of her grandparents again.

"Damian, am I correct to say that you will inherit Wayne Enterprises?" Grandpa Holling asked.

"Yes, that's my father's plan," Damian nodded.

"And is it safe to say that you will be in charge of Wayne Enterprises and all the decisions made for the company?" Grandpa Holling asked.

"Where are you going with this, Mr. Holling?" Damian asked.

"As you know, in the business world, the relationships we make with others are for the good of our companies. And Holling Oil wants to branch out. If you and Lindsey continue your relationship, we hope that Wayne Enterprises and Holling Oil can become close partners," Grandpa Holling said.

"What are your plans after you graduate High School, Damian?" Grandma Holling asked.

"Attend Gotham University and major in business. Then work under my Father until he hands over the company," Damian said.

Lindsey looked over at her boyfriend, he sounded so sure of himself. More sure than she was. Since the last time she talked to her grandparents about her future, she had an idea. But that's all it was, an idea. She wasn't sure if it's what she wanted to do.

"And Lindsey have you thought more about where about what you want to do?" Grandma Holling asked turning to Lindsey. "I know you weren't sure last time we talked."

"I don't want to go into business, that's for sure," Lindsey muttered. "I was thinking about being an art teacher. Since I love art, and I think teaching would be a great thing to do."

"Teaching? Would you teach here in Gotham, then? If you and Damian are going to get married," Grandma Holling said.

"Who said anything about Damian and I getting married?" Lindsey asked in shock.

"How long have you two been a couple?" Grandma Holling asked.

"I - I haven't been . . . keeping track," Lindsey whispered.

"Six months," Damian said. "And they've been the best six months of my life."

Has it really been six months? It felt like so much longer to Lindsey. But thinking back, the two of them got together after the Gala in November. It was May now. So much has happened in these past few months that it felt like so much longer.

"Have the two of you never talked about marriage?" Grandma Holling asked.

"We just became seniors in High School, Grandma," Lindsey said. "We have so much to look forward to before getting married."

"We're asking this because we're thinking about what's best for Holling Oil," Grandpa Holling said.

"And you think us getting married would be what's best?" Damian asked. "I love Lindsey. Don't get me wrong. But if the only reason you two want us to get married if for your company and not for her happiness, I won't agree. Whatever partnership you want with Wayne Enterprises can be forgotten."

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