Chapter 4: Treasure

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It was the next day and Ryeanne and Lindsey were standing at Lindsey's locker to get her books out for her next few classes. Lindsey needed to ask Ryeanne about being partners with Damian. She just didn't want to come out and ask. She would begin a conversation casually then bring up Damian later.

"Don't you need to get your books, Ryeanne?" Lindsey asked.

"Nah, I'm good. Besides we barely use them anyway. And if we do need them the teachers will let us know in advance," she said.

"That's not how it worked at my old school," Lindsey whispered as she stuffed a book in her backpack.

"Well it's a good thing we're not at your old school," Ryeanne laughed. "What kind of school did you go to?"

"The kind where all the students didn't care about school and just wanted to get out of High School," Lindsey said.

"Isn't that all high schools?" Ryeanne laughed

"Hey, I have a question about this weird school. Do teachers usually assign seats and partners?" Lindsey asked.

"No, not usually," Ryeanne said. "Why did one of the teachers assign you a bad seat or something?"

"No. It's just my art teacher assigned partners for a week-long assignment," Lindsey explained. "I was put with Damian Way-"

"Nope, nope, nope. Stop right there," Ryeanne stopped. "Damian has been assigned partners before, some tried being his friend afterward, but none actually stayed with him. So those assigned with him just get the assignment done and that's it."

"Will he forget about working with me?" Lindsey asked.

"Hard to tell. He pretends he's never worked with anyone. He never looks twice at anyone. Damian Wayne is a douchebag through and through.

"And speaking of Damian Wayne," a voice said behind them, "he needs to finish his assignment of his portrait of you."

The two girls jaws dropped and turned around to find Damian Wayne holding his sketchbook, bag on his shoulder, uniform looking perfect and better on him than anyone else. He was looking at Lindsey with an expectant look on his face. Lindsey stared at him, mouth hanging open. She quickly looked at Ryeanne whose eyes were flittering between the two of them. She was expecting some help, but there was nothing coming out of her.

"Well I don't know how we're going to get it done unless we can meet in between classes and-"

"We have World History, Pre-Clac, English, and Physics together along with Art," Damian interrupted. "I can finish it during those classes. Most of the teachers aren't going to give us much work the first week, which will give us a lot of time to ourselves. We can finish it then."

They really had that many classes together? Why did he remember that? She didn't notice any of the other students in her classes except Ryeanne and the others sitting at the lunch table. Was he watching her throughout the day? Did he care about her in some strange way?

"Then maybe I can finish mine of you then," Lindsey said hopefully.


Damian's eyes never moved from Lindsey. His eyes darted around Lindsey's face and body.

Lindsey couldn't stop staring at him. For a quick second there was no one else in the hallway. It was only the two of them with their eyes connected to each other.

"I'm saying that's a yes," Ryeanne said as she clapped her hands together. Lindsey shifted her eyes to Ryeanne, but Damian kept his eyes on Lindsey. "It's kinda stalker-y that you know all that, Wayne. Were you like watching her yesterday, or something. Are you becoming a stalker, Wayne. Because you definitely need help."

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