Chapter 6: Secret Treasure

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"Oh my goodness, that's delicious!" I exclaimed and he smiled.

"You haven't tasted delicious..." He took the spoon putting the rest in his mouth. I licked my lips and watch him continue cooking. He grabbed a lump of dough out the mixing bowl and pressed it to the cutting board. He then grabbed a circular cookie cutter and started cutting out perfect little circles of dough and from there rolled them out with a rolling pin. He had pan fried shredded beef, chopped onions and green peppers I think and put them all in a bowl along with the creamy looking sauce and started mixing it together. Once that was done, he took a slightly larger spoon than the one before, and began scooping out the mixture and putting the perfect amount in the center of each doughy cut out. He repeated this process until all the dough was filled and folded over and sealed before dropping them into a pot of boiling water. He must have made at lease five or six of them...

Soon, the house started to fill with the delicious aroma if whatever Marcus was cooking.

He smiled turning to me licking his fingers from the creamy white colored sauce.

"Want some." he asked offering his finger to me. I hesitated at first but then nodded grabbing his hand and bringing his index finger to my slightly parted lips. I started sucking on his finger, loving the flavor of the sauce... and him on my taste buds.

"Damn." Marcus groaned as I lick the last bit off the tip before letting go completely.

"Taste good." I whispered blushing fiercely at my erotic actions.

"Shit, I bet it did." he smirked turning back to the pot on the stove and scooping out whatever he put in. He plated one and cut into it with a knife sending juices from it to leak out along with a cloud of stream and the sweet smell of it had my mouth watering.

"What is it?" I asked again as he turned the plate to me.

"It's Pierogi."

"It's what?"

"Pierogi, it's a Russian dish my... uh mom taught me when I was little." He said. "Try it, you'll love it." He said handing me a fork. I cut me a small piece with my fork and put it to my mouth, tasting it. My eyes rolled at everything about this food that was currently evading my every senses making me moan with delight and hunger for more and more until there was nothing left but the sauce to lick clean from the plate.

"Oh my God..." I muttered looking down to my empty plate.

"Did you like it?" Marcus asked sounding a bit nervous.

"Like it? I love it! I want more!" I demanded and he raised an eyebrow at me.

"You want more... what?" he said and I stared at him.

"I want more... uh please?" I said not knowing what he wanted to hear exactly.

"I'll take the word please, what I was really looking for was I want more, baby." He smirked taking my plate and refilling it with the Pierogi stuff or whatever it was called, it was good!

We were eating in the dinning room and a tad bit slower so I want swallow my fork in the process.

"Mmm, so your mom taught you to make this?" I smiled.

"Yeah." He said staring at me as if he were in some kind of trance...

"So she was Russian?"

"Uh yeah, she was Russian, a pure blooded Russian." He smiled looking thoughtful.

"Oh, I'll like to meet her one day."

"I haven't seen her since I was little. She lives in Moscow and I stay with my dad and half-brother and half-sister in Los Angeles, California." He explained.

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