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Jungkook pov

I woke up to text from her.i smiled until I opened the message.

Catfish?then i google the meaning of cat fishing somebody

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Catfish?then i google the meaning of cat fishing somebody.i am not faking a person or stealing someone identity.i just hiding my identity until she reveal her face.

i just hiding my identity until she reveal her face

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I was lying about my looks being a insecure.i felt bad for lying to her.but I feel sad that she thinks of herself as not pretty even though I never seen before.i just have a feeling she is beautiful.

i just have a feeling she is beautiful

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I frowned

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I frowned.i didn't mean it like that.i didn't want her to think I am show off or brag a lot.Then jin walked in my room.

"Good.you are up.time for vocal practice."said jin.i nodded.i ready for practice when my phone chimed.it wa another message from her.

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