Mom!Dad! I'm home

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Recap from last chapter
Elizabeth's P.O.V.

I wake up with a smile on my face. It's been a week since I have been brought into Ghosts. Everyone here is pretty nice with the exception for Harry. he is pretty cold hearted. The girls are lovely and I've spent almost every waking moment with them. I love it but I miss my home, I miss my family and friends. I have come up with the perfect escape plan. Today they are going out to rob a bank, and i "broke" my leg so they are leaving me here. When I am sure that they are gone I'm going to sneak out and go home....The window. I try to open it up and it opens. Turn uppppp I can go home and see my family. I bet they are worried sick. I grab my bag and throw it out of the window. I tie the bed sheet to the bed post and let it down. If Flynn could go up a window with hair I'm sure I can get down using a sheet. I close my eyes and slide. When I open my eyes I'm safely at the bottom. I pick up my bag and hail a cab.
"5638 Raymont in Toxteth Liverpool."
The man nods his head. Toxteth is a good hour away from here. This will be a long ride.... "We are here miss.
"Thank you" I hand him the money and run up to my door with my bag. I dig in the bottom for the key and unlock the door.
Current chapter
I drop my bags at the door. Wow the house looks a mess. There are clothes scattered all on the floor. I guess mom and dad can never say that I do nothing around the house. Speaking of them, where are they? It's 3:00 on a Saturday, and no one ever does anything on the weekend.
"Mom! Dad! " I don't hear anything but a few whispers from upstairs.
"I told you I heard someone come in."
"What do we do"
I hear the voices. it's probably mom and dad just playing a joke.
I walk up to their bedroom and open the door.
I cover my mouth as tears pour out of my eyes when I see my parents lifeless bodies lying on the ground. I back up against the wall and slide down. then I feel something dragging me down the hall. I try to scream but the person covers my mouth with a cloth. I'm instantly knocked out.
"Night night sweetheart."
Harry P.O.V.
"How much money do you think we have Justin?"
"200 million"
"That should get us through the week, barely but we'll get there."
"Yeah, don't forget we have a new shipment coming in this week so this money needs to be kept under lock and key."
The boys nod and we ride in silence until we get to our main mansion. We pull out the bags and I hand them to the girls to take to our money room. While everyone takes care of the money I make a b line ti Elizabeth's room. I knock on the door. Nothing.
"Elizabeth are you in there?"
That's when I start getting worried. I grab my master key from my pocket and unlock the door.
. I look around. Everything seems in place. But there is no Elizabeth. I feel a breeze and that's when it hits me.
Everyone runs up the stairs in half a second. I turn to George.
"Where is Elizabeth." I growl.
HE looks flustered.
"I .i.-i don't know I thought it was quiet."
I flick my hand and send him to the camera room.
"Go check the camera footage and the tracking on her phone find her now!"
I'm infuriated. how could he let her out of his site. I pace the room back and forth. where in the world could she be.
"Do you think she went back home?" Perrie speaks up.
"No there is no way, she can't even walk there."
"No one said she had to walk."
"I guess you have a point we'll just see what George says and take action from there."
10 minutes later
"The camera footage shows that she jumped out of a window and took a cab."
Perrie smirks
"Told you."
I grab my keys and head outside.
"Where are you going!"
Zayn shouts
" To go get her."
. As I'm warming up the car Zayn and Perrie decide to come with me.
Elizabeth's P.O.V
I open my eyes and I wake up in an unfamiliar place. The floors are damp and dirty it is extremely dark with an exception of the sliver of light that comes through a small window. I try to stand but my legs and hands are tied down to a chair.
"Where am I?" I shout out to no one in particular.
"You're in your new home."
A voice says.
"What is going on how did I get here?"
"Oh sweet heart don't you remember?"
The figure comes closer out of the light and appears to be a man.
I shake my head no.
"Well when you do shout for me."
The figure walks out of the basement leaving me here all alone. but then again being in this basement with him doesn't seem like a better idea anyway.
I shut my eyes and try so hard to remember everything. But nothing comes to me. I sit like this for hours on end. nothing comes to me at first. slowly than all at once like a roller coaster. Leaving Harry's house going home my mom and dad. I shake my head and scream
I try to pinch myself as if I am dreaming. BUT nothing happens. I'm sitting here tied to a chair and the shadow man appears. He laughs. A low sick laugh.
"I see you remembered huh."
"Who are you?"
I try to sound tough but with all of this I can't.
"I'm your worst nightmare."
Harry's P.O.V
A million things are running through my head right now. I hope she's okay. She was supposed to stay far far far away from that house. When I pull up the front door is left open and I know something is up.
. Zayn, Perrie, and I run in the house searching everywhere for her. The house is a mess and I get even more worried.
"Harry come up here." Zayn waves at me telling me to come up stairs. I walk up to where he's standing. Elizabeth's parents are lying dead on the floor. There is a note left by her mother's body.
If you want her you better come get her.
Shoot. Shoot shoot.
"They took her" I scream through the house.
"Who?" Perrie asks.
"I'm not sure."
There are so many gangs so many people who have it out for us that it's almost impossible to find out who from a note.
. I run my hand through my hair. Think Harry think who has it out for Elizabeth and her parents. I think and I think but I still come up with nothing.
Ring Ring
I pick up my phone.
George: Hey boss I have news on where Elizabeth is
Harry: What is it
George: So the tracking stopped randomly so I'm guessing that whoever took her shut it off
Harry: This helps me how
George: if you let me finish I was going to say that, it was shut off a block away from V.O.E's main hideout.
Harry: f---, thanks George catch up with you later.
"It's V.O.E"
"How they've been inactive for like 4 months." Perrie says
"6 actually." Zayn irritability says
"Well excuse me for being off by two months."
"Well maybe if you could get off of Justin's lap for 2 minutes you'd know these things."
I hold my hand up
"This is not the time for you two to be arguing. Elizabeth is in trouble and we have to go get her."
They nod their heads.
"So what are we gonna do about Elizabeth ?" Perrie asks

"We are gonna stop back at the house get the rest of the crew and a few weapons for each of us and go get her."
Perrie and Zayn nod their heads and we head back to the house.
"This is going to be a long day." Perrie says. I nod my head in agreement. A long day it will be.
" What are you going to do to me?"
I shake in terror.
"That is for me to know and for you to find out. Now sit here quietly I have some business to handle."
And once again the mysterious man disappears. Why are they doing this to me? I haven't done anything. My parents haven't done anything wrong. None of this would've happened if it wasn't for Harry. I could've been at home safe with my family. But I'm stuck here in this basement with some psychopath. And I don't even know why. But I will not stand for this. I'm getting myself out.
. I look around and see my purse not too far away from me. I scoot the chair too my purse. I slide down and grab my nail file out of my purse. I file my hands free first and then my feet.
. Whew those things really hurt. Now I gotta get out of here. I stand up and stretch because I have been sitting for way too long. I head too the door and listen for any noise.
There is no noise so I walk out. There is a long pathway and I walk it and look around there's no one there so I keep walking. I see another door but this time there is a lot of noise. There's allot of loud music and from under the door I can see other people. It's not a party but like a meet up. It's basically like Harry's house.
. How did I manage to escape from one gang house into another. The music stops and I pay attention to what's being said. The man from the shadow stands up and everyone gets quiet. I'm guessing he's the leader.
"Okay everyone, I'm sure that you've already heard but in case that you haven't we've captured Elizabeth."
Everyone cheers. The leader lets them cheer for a while than holds his hand up and once again everyone is silent.
"But the battle is only half won. We have been inactive for 6 months and we need to come back in with a bang. And a bang we will come in with."
The people cheer once again but the leader doesn't let them this time.
"So we know that they will come for us which is exactly what we want." So we'll be waiting for them. I want three people outside of her door in the basement l, 10 people at each door and I want 2 guards at the watch tower." Everyone nod their heads and goes to their command. I run to my room and I'm almost there when someone grabs me.
"Where do you think that you're going?"
"I um.i.. I had to go to the bathroom."
I shake in terror.
"What about your ropes?"
"They were loose and I was desperate, I'm sorry."
I try to be more convincing. And he believes me. Thank you mom for those acting lessons.
He nods his head.
"Come this way to the bathroom."
I follow him around and he lets me in the bathroom. I thank him and "handle my business".
When I walk out he brings me back to the basement, and whispers in my ear.
"I know you didn't have to use the bathroom."
What does he mean he knows? Why would he let me out then if he knows? I ask myself questions like this for a while until I hear gunshots and screaming.
"Where is Elizabeth?"

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 28, 2014 ⏰

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