An Agreement of Protection

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Kouyou was crying as she stood in front of the city morgue. A young man named Akutagawa from the Armed Detective Agency directed her this way. This would forever be the hardest thing she ever had to do. Chuuya was like a son to her. She never for one second thought she'd be here doing this so soon. Kouyou walked into the morgue and she spoke to the man at the front desk.

"Excuse me? I was directed here by the Armed Detective Agency. He told me the man that was just murdered recently you were looking for extended family for funeral arrangements... I'm his family."

"I am so sorry for your loss." The man said before anything else, giving his whole hearted condolences. "What was his name?"

"Nakahara... Nakahara Chuuya."

The man looked through the directories of the dead, and he stood up to take her to where his body was being held. "Come this way." They went down a dimly lit hallway, and the man opened the door to the freezers. He found the exact number and he unlocked it and pulled it open. The man pulled the tarp. "Is this him?"

The man was not Chuuya. What the hell happened to his body? The dead don't just disappear and no one claimed it. She's sure of it. "No. I must have been mistaken... Did anyone else ever come view the body?"

The man thought for a moment. "Yes actually. One of the agency members. His name is Oda Sakunosuke. Real nice guy. I don't know what his relationship was with this person but he was pretty torn up about it. Never seen him cry like that."

"I see. Thank you."

"Of course. Have a good day Ma'am."

"Oda Sakunosuke. Seems I need to thoroughly research him."


"What about this?!" Chuuya asks excitedly.

Oda chuckles. "Baby we don't even know if it's a boy or a girl yet."

Chuuya pouts. "But we can get gender neutral colors... plus boys and girls can wear pink nowadays!"

"That is true. They can." Oda agrees. Oda wraps his arms around Chuuya and he kisses his shoulder and rubs his baby bump. "You can get whatever you want. I promised we could get whatever you wanted for the baby."

Chuuya smiles. "You did... so if I got pink you wouldn't be mad if it ended up being a boy?"

"Of course not. He'll be beautiful no matter what."

Chuuya starts to tear up and tears slip down his face. Damn hormones. Oda's eyes widen. "Baby?!? What's the matter?! Why are you crying?!" Oda asks worriedly.

Chuuya shakes his head. "I'm not upset. I am just very happy."

Oda smiles and he gently wipes Chuuya's tears. "I'm glad you're happy. As long as you're happy so am I." He says as he gently kisses Chuuya, and Chuuya kisses him back. "C'mon let's check out so I can go feed you and the baby." He rubs his stomach and holds Chuuya's hand. The ginger sniffles and he smiles as he follows behind Oda.


Kouyou was able to track down Oda within 3 days. She was just getting off her flight to Italy. According to her research he had been in Italy for a month. Kouyou was even able to find an employer and address. That man knew something and Kouyou was going to find out exactly what it was.

Kouyou went to Oda's employer first. Much to her annoyance she was informed he was on lunch, but that he should be back in any minute. Kouyou decided she would wait. This was important to her. She needed answers. Chuuya was like her son and Oda was the last person to see his body, to view his body. How does a whole body just disappear from the morgue? Kouyou saw Oda walking up to his place of work, and her eyes widened when she saw who was holding his hand. But it couldn't be. Dazai said he was dead, Dazai was sure he killed him, he watched him take his last breath so how was it possible?!

"Chuuya!" Kouyou called as they got closer. Kouyou pulled Chuuya away from him and she pulled her sword on Oda. Chuuya and Oda were both stunned and Chuuya snatched his wrist away from Kouyou.

"What are you doing?! Who are you?!" Chuuya yelled angrily.

"What? You don't recognize me?"

"I don't even know you!" Chuuya yells.

"Don't be foolish. I raised you! How is this even possible?! How are you alive?! Dazai told me himself he watched you die!"

Chuuya shook his head. "...You have me mistaken for someone else... My only family is my husband and my baby... so please leave me alone. I don't know you." Chuuya grabbed Oda's hand, and when Kouyou looked down she saw the baby bump as clear as day.

"You're pregnant... how far along are you?"

"Why would that matter to you?"


"He's 3 months. And you don't have to be afraid, Chuuya. She's a family friend. I know you don't really remember some things due to your accident. She means well." Oda lies, clears it up, he didn't want Chuuya to question anything. He didn't want this happiness ruined for him. "Right?"

Kouyou nods. "Right."

"Why don't you head on home baby?"


"I'll be okay. I'm just going to finish work and come home okay?" Oda says rubbing his hand gently, and he kisses him softly. "Go on, being in this extreme heat too long is not good for you or the baby. I'll see you at home okay?"

Chuuya didn't want to leave but he knew Oda was right. "...Okay. I love you."

"I love you too." He gently kisses Chuuya's forehead one more time before he lets him go to the car. Oda waves as Chuuya leaves. Once Chuuya was gone Oda turned to Kouyou and he looked at her filled with anger.

"Who the hell are you?"

"Shouldn't I be asking you that?"

"You're from the Port Mafia... Look I don't know how you found me. Or why you're here and I don't care. But I won't let any of you cross him twice. I won't let any of you hurt him."

Kouyou's eyes widened. "What did you do...?"

"What I had to do. He didn't have to die. He was young... and he was pregnant when that monster killed him... I'm lucky the ability user was able to bring them both back."

"Look... I am like his mother. I love him as much as you do. And you're right. He didn't have to die. But you don't think this is reckless? What if he finds out Chuuya is alive? That you saved him?"

"He won't. And if he does I'll do whatever I must to protect Chuuya and our baby. I'll kill anyone who stands in our way. This is a second chance for him. He's going to live a normal and happy life. I'll make sure of it."

"I want him to be happy. The mafia... it was never a place for him. He always had his feelings involved. Cared and loved too strongly. He always wore his heart on his sleeve... I won't tell. I just ask you to take very good care of him. And I want... I want to see him sometimes."

"Of course you can... That'll make him happy." Oda smiles.

"Then we have an agreement." Kouyou puts out her hand.

"An agreement." Oda takes her hand and shakes it.

To Be Continued...

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