A Fresh Start With You

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Kouyou was angry she was so angry she could kill him herself. What right did he have?! What right?! She had been on an overseas mission for 2 months and as soon as she heard the news when she came back she couldn't believe it. Since he had become boss he had been nothing but reckless and cruel. Kouyou slammed the door open viciously and entered Dazai's office.

"Ah, Ane-san. What brings you to my office?"

"How could you?! What right did you think you had to do that?!?"

"He betrayed us."

"He made a mistake! He's not perfect! You didn't have to kill him!" Kouyou said, tearing up. "What happened to you? Chuuya was your best friend and at one point more. You act like that means nothing..."

"It doesn't mean anything when he turns out to be a traitor."

"You're disgusting..."

"I can be disgusting all I want but you know the rules. If I showed Chuuya mercy I'd have to show everyone mercy, and I just can't do that."

"Go to hell..."

"You go first." Dazai said, leaning on his hand and smirking. Kouyou stormed out of his office and she slammed the door behind her. Dazai sighed as he looked down at his paperwork.


"Why did you bring me here?" Chuuya asked as him and Dazai were sitting on top of Chuuya's car.

"Well it's quiet, romantic, and I thought the stars would be really pretty tonight."

Chuuya smiles. "Well I must say I'm impressed. You hardly ever do romantic things like this."

"I'm full of surprises." Dazai chuckles. "Plus, tomorrow is your birthday... and I know we won't have time tomorrow to celebrate so I wanted to today." Dazai says as he kisses Chuuya gently.

Chuuya genuinely smiled at him and he kissed Dazai back. "Thank you for this. It's sweet."

"I'm hoping this can be a tradition every year."

"Me too."


Chuuya and Oda had just boarded the plane, and Oda was putting their carry-on luggage above them. This was a big move for them, they were temporarily moving to Venice, Italy. At least for a year or two, during that time Oda would write and publish his first book and they would be able to enjoy time with their baby blissfully. Oda sat beside Chuuya and he grabbed his hand.

"Are you okay?"

Chuuya nodded. "Just nervous... it's a long way from home."

"I know." He said sadly. "But it'll be good for us. For you, for me, for the baby." Oda says rubbing Chuuya's stomach. "And we always have our home in Yokohama, and we can always visit. We need this fresh start."

"I know... as long as I am with you. I'm happy."

"And I'm happy as long as I'm with you. And together, we are going to raise a happy and beautiful baby." Oda says, nuzzling him.


After a 21 hour flight, getting through customs, collecting luggage, and waiting on a taxi to go to their new home. Oda and Chuuya were so exhausted. Heading straight to bed once they got in the house. Oda tried to make it as comfortable as possible for him and Chuuya since the movers wouldn't arrive until tomorrow anyway. The next morning at 10 am the movers arrived with all of their things. The movers started to move things in and Oda was helping them to get done faster. Chuuya stayed out of the way since he couldn't help at all being pregnant. After a few hours they got everything moved in, and by then Chuuya was moody and hungry.

"Sakuno! I'm hungry!" Chuuya pouted.

Oda chuckles. "Alright. I noticed a cafe on our way here. It looked good. Would you like to go try it? And it's not far. Maybe about 5 minutes."

"Sounds good enough to me. I don't care as long as we eat. And now." Chuuya demanded.

Oda grabbed the keys and his wallet, and he walked over to the couch and kissed Chuuya before helping him stand up. "Alright, well let's go get my babies fed then." Oda smiled.

Oda was happy. This was the start they needed. A start without the mafia, without bloodshed, death, betrayal. Just a life of peace and happiness, and a loving environment they could bring their baby into.

To Be Continued...

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