What The Boss Won't Tolerate

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"I think that's all for now." Chuuya said. "I'm sorry... I would have been bringing things quicker, I've just been tired..." Chuuya admitted.

Oda smiles and he gently strokes Chuuya's cheek. "It's okay. We can get a few more things later. At the rate we are going we should have most things packed up by next week."

"Hopefully." Chuuya yawns.

"Do you want to catch dinner?" Oda asks as Chuuya yawns again. "Or we can order in?" He says chuckling.

"Order in sounds good." Chuuya says as he heads to the bathroom. "I am going to take a bath."

Oda nods as he grabs the phonebook to look for delivery.


Dazai looked at the pictures his subordinate had brought him and he looked annoyed. "He betrayed us. With a member of the Armed Detective Agency."


Dazai crumpled up the photos and he knew what he would have to do. He never thought it would come to this with his own right hand man. But if he showed him mercy or let him slip, how would that make him look?

"Thank you, I will get this handled."

The subordinate bowed. "Do you need help handling the situation Boss?"

"No. Just leave it to me."


Chuuya and Oda were eating the take out when Chuuya heard his phone ringing. Chuuya looked at his phone and saw it was Dazai. He thought it was weird Dazai was calling him, he never bothered him on his days off unless it was urgent. Meaning it must be. Chuuya picks the phone up off of the table and he answers.


"Ah Chuuya~! I have some business I need help with, and an organization that has been trying to steal our weaponry by the port."

"Steal our weaponry? Since when? I thought we got rid of them all."

"Seems they were bigger than what we thought. I need you here as soon as possible. We have to handle this immediately."

Chuuya sighed. "Alright I'm coming. I'll be there soon."

Chuuya hangs up the phone and he slides it into his pants pocket. "I have to go."

"Is everything okay?"

"Yeah, just work." Chuuya leans over and he kisses Oda. Chuuya went to go leave but Oda pulled him back and kissed him again. "Be safe... Please."

"I will. Don't worry." Chuuya smiles.

Oda let go of Chuuya as he let him leave and he felt so uneasy he couldn't understand why. He just ignored the feeling, thinking he was overreacting, it was nothing. Chuuya was trained and he knew how to defend himself. Little did Oda know, his gut feeling was an instinct he should have followed.


Chuuya arrived within 30 minutes. Oda's apartment wasn't far from the port. Which he was grateful for since it seemed so urgent.

"Dazai?" Chuuya called softly as he stepped into the dim area of the alleyway by the port.

"Ah Chibi, you made it."

Chuuya was looking around confused. "There's a lot of subordinates don't you think? Do we really need this many for a job we can handle on our own."

Dazai sighed. "I am disappointed in you Chuuya."

"What the fuck are you talking about?"

Dazai walked up to Chuuya and he sighed again. "I know, about everything." Dazai said. "I know about you opening your legs like a fucking slut to that detective at the Armed Detective Agency, Oda was it?"

Chuuya looked shocked but he tried to hide it. He shook his head. "You're wrong. I wouldn't do that."

Dazai chuckled

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Dazai chuckled. "You've always been a bad liar." Dazai tossed the pictures at his feet of him and Oda together. "Also I tore your apartment apart before I came here. Which it was looking quite empty by the way. Plan on leaving?" Dazai said, throwing his passport and the tickets to Italy in front of him. "And not to meantion you went the extra mile in being stupid!" Dazai said, throwing the pregnancy stick down. Dazai grabbed his wrist tightly and Chuuya went to go snatch away but before he could snatch away well enough to activate his ability. Dazai had shot him, point blank, 3 times. One hit the shoulder, another hit his stomach, and one went directly through his heart. Chuuya coughed up blood and when Dazai let him go he fell to the ground. Dazai looked at him cold heartedly. "How dare you betray me?" Dazai said as he stepped on Chuuya's back and Chuuya yelped in pain.

"That man will never see you again, and he'll never see that baby." The last thing Chuuya saw before he died was Dazai pointing the gun at him again, before he heard the blast of the gun, and the next bullet went through his head.


Early that morning Chuuya's body was found, and Oda was called to the scene along with Ranpo. And what he was about to see he was not prepared to handle.

"They've been dead for a few hours at least. Rigamortis has started to settle in." The policeman told them. "We were told to call you considering the extent of the murder. Figured this was more up your alley than ours. Especially because the vic was an ability user."

The policeman lifted up the do not cross tape and they all went under.

"I believe this man might be a Port Mafia official."

Oda's eyes widened when he saw the body. "Chuuya!" Oda ran over to the body. He didn't even care about Ranpo finding out, or anyone for that matter. "No...!" Oda started to cry. He couldn't believe this happened. Oda looked at the items next to Chuuya, they hadn't moved them yet. Oda noticed all the contents on the ground, but the one that stuck out the most was the one indicating they were going to start a family. The heartbreak Oda was feeling, he would rather be dead then continue to live on without the one he loved most.

To Be Continued...

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