Chapter 6

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Shen Yu was startled as he didn't think that they would use his appearance to discriminate against him without testing him thus he asked, "May I ask, why am I being disqualified? I haven't even tested." He asked in an angry tone.

Despite his angry tone, Shen Yu's voice still shocked most people there. They didn't think that he would have such a nice voice. Based on his body shape, they thought that he was a woman. If not for the fact that they saw his appearance just now, they would definitely believe that he was a beauty who can seduce any man and woman.

"Why?" Yang Mei asked back, feeling pissed off. This was the first time that someone dared to speak back to her. In the past, no one has ever dared to talk back to her.

"Of course, I need to know the reason. I worked so hard to pass the previous round of the test. Yet, for the final round I didn't even get to take the test when you suddenly announced my disqualification, therefore it is not fair."

"Yes, it is not fair! It's not fair!" Most participants who were in the same group as Shen Yu previously roared out. They can't accept this as it was really unfair to their fellow mates.

The other participants also follow along and shout. Despite their shock upon seeing Shen Yu's appearance, they knew that Yang Mei was being unfair. It was too immoral.

"Go on. It's your turn." Ting knew that if this kept on going he is the one who is going to be in trouble, thus he spoke not caring about Yang Mei anymore since he didn't want their sect to ruin their reputation as a top and number one sect for being unfair. He really can't bear the consequence if that really happens.

"You..." Yang Mei said angrily toward Ting. How dare that low disciple ignore her word? She will definitely remember this and make sure to get back at him for not listening to her word.

Shen Yu nodded his head and stepped forward.

When testing his spiritual energy, Shen Yu is on the light stage with a rank 8. In the past, he worked hard to cultivate, but after he reached rank 8 of the light stage, his cultivation level wouldn't increase no matter how hard he cultivated. It was as if something was blocking off his energy flow.

To test one life stone, the person has to use their blood and drip it into a special stone. The stone would help to indicate whether the person is pure and suitable to become a cultivator. If the person has pure energy, the stone would shine a bright light meaning that the person has pure energy within the body and had a suitable body to become a cultivator.

But if it gives out a bright red light, it means that the person has evil energy within the body indicating that the person might be a demonic cultivator.

After testing his spiritual energy, Shen Yu lifted two of his fingers to make a little cut on another one of his fingers to draw a little blood out to test his life stone.

Once the blood touches the big stone, it gives out a bright light.

"Congratulations, you have passed the test." Ting said.

Upon hearing that Yang Mei was outraged. She glared at Shen Yu hatefully before she flew away on a pink sword heading toward the Sky sect to greet her master.

She couldn't believe Ting let that ugly person pass the test. The reason why she disqualifies Shen Yu before he even has the chance to test is because she thinks that he is way too ugly and not suitable to enter the Sky sect.

First, Sky sect is the top and strongest sect out of all the sects. Second, it only has beautiful and handsome disciples, therefore she didn't want to have that ugly person to be in the sect with her fearing that it would ruin the Sky sect's reputation.

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