Chapter 28

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Shen Yu felt grateful that Yue Ya didn't continue to ask him about the person that he likes, and even help him to figure out what is wrong with him. Big sister Yue Ya really treats him well.

After knowing that he had fallen in love with Li Feng, Shen Yu didn't know how to face him more. He is worried that Li Feng might discover that he had those kinds of feelings toward him.

What if Li Feng feels disgust and hates him?

No! He can't let Li Feng find out about the feelings he had for him. He doesn't want Li Feng to kick him out of Clear peak.

Importantly, he didn't want Li Feng to hate him.

Shen Yu knew that between him and Li Feng there was no possibility. The difference between them is too big. There is no way Li Feng would like an ugly creature like him.

Yet, he couldn't stop himself from wanting to see Li Feng.

Even though he can't express his feelings toward Li Feng in fear that Li Feng might be disgusted at him and kick him out of Clear peak, at least now he can continue to stay by his side until he turns 18 and vanishes from the world.

Reaching Clear peak, Shen Yu saw Li Feng on the pavilion drinking tea.

Shen Yu went back to Clear peak after he finished talking with Yue Ya. He was too embarrassed to tell Yue Ya who that particular person was.

Aiya...people in the Sky sect, especially those female cultivators would definitely come to kill him off if they were to know that he had those romantic feelings for Li Feng who is the male god in the heart of those female cultivators.

Even though he knew that it was just one side, Shen Yu couldn't stop himself from wanting to be close to Li Feng.

Even if it was only for a few seconds, Shen Yu already felt content with it.

Shen Yu really wants to spend more time with Li Feng since he only has one more year left before he turns 18. He really wants to spend the remaining day he had left with Li Feng.

"Why did you go out for so long?" Li Feng asked.

In reality, Shen Yu didn't go out for that long as he had only been gone for less than one hour.

However, in Li Feng's definition it was way too long.

Is he worrying about me?

Shen Yu was happy with his inner thoughts. "Nothing. I was just talking with big sister Yue Ya ."

Li Feng didn't know who sister Yue Ya was, but he didn't care. Since his dummy junior brother is already back safe and sound as for the other thing he doesn't care.

"Don't do it again. You're going to ruin Clear peak's reputation."

Again? Seriously, what does that have to do with Clear Peak's reputation?

Shen Yu really doesn't understand Li Feng, but since he says so then of course he would listen to him, "Alright."


"Senior brother Li, can I ask you something?"

"Say it."

"Were you the one that put the alcohol on the table?"


"Thank you."


"Uh...that... last time when I got drunk, did I do something?" Shen Yu asked. He really wants to know what Li Feng would say.


"What did I do?"

"You went crazy."

Shen Yu, "..."

He wasn't expecting that kind of answer.

Did he really go crazy, why couldn't he remember?

Yet, he continued to ask, "How much?"

"Pretty much."

Shen Yu, "..."

What does that mean? Did he really go that wild?

"You say that you were the king of alcohol." Li Feng told him truly.

Thinking about the scene where a certain dummy declares that he was the king of alcohol, Li Feng suddenly has the urge to laugh.

Why is his dummy junior brother so silly and cute?

Shen Yu, "..."

Shen Yu can still remember that part. He really wants to dig a hole and hide himself there. It was way too embarrassing to think about it.

Since Li Feng didn't want to tell him about the kiss they shared, Shen Yu stopped asking him more questions. He really didn't know if Li Feng enjoyed or hated the kiss that they shared together since he didn't say anything about it.

Afterward, the two practiced sword techniques together before they went inside their room to read.

Li Feng was reading seriously in his room while Shen Yu couldn't even concentrate on the book at all. He really wants to know how Li Feng feels about him. Even though he already knew the answer to his question, he still wanted to hear it from Li Feng. Maybe in that way he can stop his feelings from developing deeper for Li Feng.

"Ah...what to do?" Shen Yu felt like he was going crazy.

He shouldn't have gone to talk with Yue Ya about his problem then he wouldn't have discovered that he had fallen for Li Feng then he wouldn't be like this. It feels like torturing.

Shen Yu put down the book he was reading and went to bed. He really can't concentrate at all as his mind is full of that steamy kiss. He really wanted to forget about that scene, however, he just couldn't.

That feeling of being kissed passionately by Li Feng feels so good.

Shen Yu blushed upon his thought.

With a red face Shen Yu tosses and turns around the bed for a long time, before he falls asleep from thinking too much about his feelings.

On the other side, the demon general had led a bunch of demons to attack a small town near the Green village.

"Run! Demon."



The people desperately run away, however the demon did not give them a chance to run away as the demon slay every human they see in the town.

Soon the news about the demon coming out and attacking the humans had reached the Sky sect.

The grandmaster calls the elders as well as the top disciples into the main meeting hall in the sect into an emergency meeting.

Li Feng stepped out of his room and flew to the main hall in the Sky sect for the emergency meeting.

The meeting lasted for a long time. After the meeting was over, Li Feng flew back to Clear peak.

While he was sleeping, Shen Yu dreamed about Li Feng and him.

In the dream, Li Feng was holding his hand with both of their fingers intertwined together.

Li Feng took him into a beautiful place filled with beautiful and different kinds of flowers. Before he can react to it, Li Feng kisses him tenderly and soon it becomes passionate.

After the passionate kiss ended, Li Feng then pushed Shen Yu gently down on the ground laying on top of him.

Shen Yu didn't know what Li Feng wanted to do to him by pressing him into the ground.


However, before the two can continue any further, Shen Yu suddenly jerks up from his sleep from the sound of door knocking.


The author has something to say:

Don't worry, soon or later you will be press down by a certain beast.

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