Chapter 14

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The pair of junior and senior brothers continued to practice sword flying around Clear peak together using Li Feng's sword.

Since Shen Yu's cultivation level is lower than Li Feng, thus he couldn't control Li Feng's sword well at first, but who knows after what Li Feng did to his sword, the sword became more obedient and soon Shen Yu can control it.

" beautiful." Shen Yu exclaimed.

He was still in the air flying by himself with Li Feng's sword. It was very awesome.

Earlier when Li Feng first started to teach him how to use his spiritual energy to fly and control the sword, Shen Yu didn't get it at first, so in case Shen Yu lost his balance and died from the fall Li Feng rode behind him just in case an accident happened.

The first try, Shen Yu lost his balance while flying. Luckily, Li Feng was just behind him and caught him by the waist. However, Shen Yu got too frightened when Li Feng suddenly held him by the waist thus he accidentally bumped into Li Feng and the two lost their balance together.

Thankgod Li Feng was quick and caught him before his body could land on the ground.

Afterward it got a bit awkward between the two, so instead of Li Feng riding the sword with him, Shen Yu practiced riding the sword by himself with Li Feng's guidance.

After a couple more attempts, Shen Yu finally was able to fly it stably.

After flying to his heart content, Shen Yu finally came down. He then passed Li Feng his beautiful sword and thanked him.

Li Feng lifted the hand that was holding the sword and instantly his sword disappeared.

Afterward Li Feng gave Shen Yu some books, "Read them seriously. I will test you later." Li Feng really needs to change his dummy junior brother's lazy behavior.

"Alright." Shen Yu was in a very good mood today.

Inside his room, Shen Yu read through the boring book seriously. He really wanted to slack off to dreamland, yet he couldn't since he would soon be tested. He was determined that he will read it seriously and do well on the test. Maybe his senior brother might reward him with something good, who knows.

On the other hand, the Shen's family was still busy looking for Shen Yu.

Until now, they have not found him yet. They were all worried to death about him since Shen Yu didn't have a high cultivation. With the matter of Shen Yu gone missing, they have totally forgotten about the marriage matter as finding Shen Yu was their main priority as for now.

Times went by quickly as one month had already passed by since the day Shen Yu left home.

During this one month, Shen Yu lives happily and comfortably in Clear peak within the Sky sect.

Thankfully, he and Li Feng coexist together peacefully despite the fact that Li Feng was still a bit cold toward him.

Every day he would cook for him and Li Feng. Afterward Li Feng would

teach him some magic spells as well as sword techniques. Then after practice Li Feng would give him some books to read, and later test him on those materials.

Unlike Shen Yu, Yang Mei was beyond furious. She really wants to live in Clear peak with Li Feng thus she asks her aunt for help, but the latter couldn't do anything since Li Feng had already made it clear that she can't.

Yang Mei's hatred for Shen Yu was beyond the core. She hated that ugly scar person so much. She really didn't understand why her male god chose such an ugly and weak person to stay at Clear peak. Isn't he disgusting just by looking at that ugly pimple and scar face?

After Li Feng ate Shen Yu's homemade breakfast, he left Clear peak early to the main hall of the Sky sect. He was called by the grandmaster for a meeting with the other elder masters.

Since Li Feng was not here and their master Zi was still in seclusion making Shen Yu the only one in Clear peak right now.

Shen Yu has been diligent in learning these days, thus once Li Feng was gone he immediately went to bed. He was really tired from reading those boring books Li Feng gave him.

In the main hall of the Sky sect, the grandmaster sat at the top chair, following below was the sect master, and the other elder masters as well as Li Feng.

"I called you all here today, because I recently got a report from the Di sect saying that there seems to be something wrong with the Green village. The people there recently got this weird disease and it has been spreading now. They are asking us for help."

The Di Sect is one of the smaller sects.

"Instead of the elders going over to assist the Green village, I suggest that we send the inner disciples to investigate what happens in Green village." Elder Lo said.

"That's a good idea. I think we should also include some of the outer disciples as well. It would give them some new experience." Elder Huang said.

"Good idea." The grandmaster said.

Li Feng, "I will lead the disciples to investigate the case in Green village."

"No, you can't go." The grandmaster said. "Xiao Feng, I call you here because me and the other elders are going to deal with the thing in the pagoda. The spell has become weak recently. We will probably need at least one month to build a new formation. We can only count on you to look after the sect."

Inside the pagoda was an evil spirit that has been locked inside for almost two hundred years now. The evil spirit was once a human, but because he was too greedy and wanting to be at the top in the world, he practiced forbidden dark magic and soon he couldn't control the evil energy within his body and died.

Yet, his soul didn't disappear, but instead it has become an evil soul from the forbidden dark magic that he had practiced for years.

In the past, in order to seal the evil spirit, Li Feng's grandparent along with the other elders has died sacrificing their life.

They fought head to head with the evil spirit, but soon they knew that they couldn't win over him, so they could only sacrifice themselves and lock the evil spirit away inside the pagoda.

Li Feng had also heard about the evil spirit in the pagoda. He knew about the danger it would bring to the human if the evil spirit came out of the pagoda.

"En." Li Feng agreed to watch over the sect.

"Good. I will have Tao assist you. Tomorrow, Yong will lead the disciples to Green village."

Once the meeting ended, Li Feng flew straight to Clear peak.

Li Feng went to Shen Yu's room to tell him the news. When he knocked on the door there was no answer.

With a flick of the sleeve, the door was open.

Li Feng saw Shen Yu was sleeping soundly on the bed.

Seeing the sleeping Shen Yu, he closed the door again.

Since his dummy junior brother is going to Green village with Yong and the other disciples tomorrow, he'll let him sleep for a bit before waking him up.

Later when Shen Yu woke up, Li Feng told him about what happened at Green village recently.

Li Feng also told him about the disciples that were going there to investigate the case.

Shen Yu was a bit excited when he heard that he will be going with the other disciples to investigate the case at Green village.

Li Feng can see the excitement on Shen Yu's face. For some reason, he couldn't help but feel worried about his dummy junior brother's safety.


The author has something to say:

Shen Yu: I'm so excited!

Li Feng: [Gloomy look] Humph! I'm not happy!

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