She sprayed her perfume. "I know, I'm so excited. We haven't been on like a real date night in forever."

"Alright, we all ready?" Brie asked after putting her high heels on.

"Ready." Luciana and Nikki said at the same time.


"She is really drunk." Brie motioned to her sister.

Nikki got a little too carried away with the drinks, and now she was talking to some guy, completely wasted.

"Maybe we should stop her?" Luciana suggested. She looked around and seen Artem walk in. "Uh oh, Brie look. Artem is here."

Brie looked behind her, seeing Artem walk up to them. "Oh gosh... Heyyyyy Artem."

"Hi," Artem smiled and greeted the two. "Where's Nicole?"

"Uh she mentioned going to the bathroom." Brie lied, scratching the side of her head.

"So you guys are going dancing?" Luciana quickly took over.

"Yeah, I was waiting outside for her but she wasn't coming out, so I just came to get her." Artem said, looking around.

"Artem!" Nicole came up to him, a complete mess. "Oh my gosh Artem, you have to meet this guy. You have to cook for him Artem, we have to adopt him and take care of him!"

Artem looked at Brie and Luci, confused. "What are you talking about? Are you drunk Nicole?"

"What? I just had a few drinks." Nicole shrugged. "But come on, you have to meet him."

"I'm not doing that, we had a date tonight. I'm not taking you out like this, you can stay here." He shook his head.

"Artem," Nikki groaned.

"I'm gonna go." Artem said, grabbing his phone and taking off.

"Well I still want to go dancing, so Brie and Luci, you guys will have to be my dancing partners tonight." Nikki exclaimed.


"I did nothing wrong tonight!" Nikki told Brie and Luciana, as they sat in the salsa dancing club.

"In his eyes, he thought you flirted with another guy." Brie tried to reason.

"Flirted? Luci did I flirt?" Nikki looked at Luciana who sat beside her.

"You didn't." Luciana reassured her, an attempt to calm Nicole down, knowing how she is when she feels backed into a corner.

"I did nothing wrong tonight." She sipped her drink. "You know me, and you know how we talked at that event. I'm gonna find a man here to salsa dance with."

"No, lets not do that." Luciana shook her head, Brie giving her sister a look.

Within a few seconds, Nicole found herself a dance partner. Luciana knew this wouldn't end well.

"Well, I know she's just angry and annoyed." Brie sighed. "I'm married, you're married, our husbands would kill us if we salsa danced with random guys. So will you be my salsa partner?"

𝐸𝒩𝒟 𝐻𝐼𝒮 𝑅𝐸𝐼𝒢𝒩~ 𝒜 𝑅𝒪𝑀𝒜𝒩 𝑅𝐸𝐼𝒢𝒩𝒮 𝐹𝒜𝒩𝐹𝐼𝒞𝒯𝐼𝒪𝒩Where stories live. Discover now