Part 10: Holy Fucking Shit

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There was a loud bang, but it wasn't loud enough to drown out the screams of every Camp Rocker.

Every person attending the Final Jam had their ear drums continue ringing as they all realized, Shane Gray was shot to the cold ground.

"Shane Gray!" Mitchie screamed.

The gun was pointed at Aaron and Jo, but because of Shane Gray's dedicated love towards the two boys, he jumped in front of them, sacrificing himself.

Aaron and Jo rushed to Shane Gray's side as he was gasping for air and spitting up blood. They raised Shane Gray into Aaron's lap, Jo being by Shane Gray's side.

"Boys," Shane Gray struggled to say as his vision began to blur, "Did we win? Tell me we won? Final Jam! Did we win?"

"Shane Gray, that isn't important right now," Jo said, "you're dying, my love. There is a lot more than Final Jam."

Aaron jumps in, "We have to tell you, we love you for who you are. We are so sorry for everything up to now. We meant everything we said, everything we've done. It was out of true love."

"I'm dying, can I speak?" says Shane Gray, unable to articulate full words as blood is gushing out of his stomach making a little fountain where you can toss your coins into like you're at a mall.

"No, I'm talking. Thanks for asking though," said Aaron, "there isn't enough time to tell you how much you mean to us."

Aaron and Jo proceeded to kiss Shane Gray to sleep, as he elevated into the heavens. Shane Gray's transparent ghost flew into the air, Shane Gray ordered Big Rob to avenge his death.

Being fully enraged that Musty Mitchie brutally murdered Shane Gray with the double pump, Big Rob ran towards Mitchie screaming at the top of his lungs, adrenaline rising by the second. Big Rob picked her up like a chair, then slammed her back down on his knee, instantly breaking her fucking spine in fucking half. Musty Mitchie broke like a Kit-Kat chocolate bar. Like holy shit.

Big Rob threw Musty Mitchie into the lake like a fucking Wham-O Ultimate Frisbee.

Holy fucking shit.

Camp Rock 3: The Final Jam 2: Fuck or DestinyWhere stories live. Discover now