Will clasps his hands. "Yes, ah, I wanted to talk about that. Mrs. Bucket, you might want to sit down..."

     Mum had been retrieving tea from a tray in the corner, but hastily finds a seat next to Wilbur at his words. Something tells me she wouldn't have obeyed so readily if his tone hadn't been so serious. She also saw the way my hands fiddle with the turquoise tulle anxiously and decided protesting against being bossed around wouldn't be a good idea. Will stands and paces closer so everyone can see his face well and observe the careful way he holds himself which hints at further injuries beneath his clothes.

     "There was an man who nearly broke into the factory last night who was asking for trouble," he starts. "That man's name was Oscar Mitchell." He studies the wrinkled faces of my grandparents, the slightly weathered face of my Mum, and the smooth, bright face of my kid brother. Charlie lights up in recognition, but manages to hold his tongue in exchange of more information. No one else seems to know the name, just as I suspected they wouldn't. I don't feel right not telling my family everything. They deserve to know exactly who showed up to take advantage yet again. Will opens his mouth to continue, but I interrupt.

     "Oscar Mitchell is...the name that...it's the name that...that Dad took when he...when he left us," I stutter. I stare into my lap as my hand twists into my borrowed shirt, tugging at it with anxiety. There is a collective gasp as they realise that it was the man who was once part of our family who hurt this new part of our family. I glance up furtively after a moment to find everyone's eyes on Will who stands at the fireplace, gazing into the flames.

     He takes a deep breath. "I saw him on the security cameras and went to confront him when this little one..." He turns away from the fire to look at me and gestures to me affectionately, his eyes dancing playfully. His words are of a father reprimanding a child, but his eyes are of a lover who sees an angel in my place. "This little one decided it was a good idea to follow me." I squirm uncomfortably with everyone looking at me and most likely judging my decision to go after him. Will takes note of this discomfort unhappily and starts toward me. "I asked him to leave politely, I really did. It was only when he began to harass my Dove that I attacked."

     "You attacked?" Mum gasps in disbelief, overwhelmed hands shaking as they latch onto Wilbur's arm. A look of horror at all the new information crosses her face. If Will hears her, he doesn't acknowledge the remark, instead coming to stand behind me.

     "You initiated the squabble?" his father asks, disapproval in his voice.

     "No, he started it the moment he left twenty years ago," Will answers fiercely. He puts comforting hands on my shoulders, and I lean back into him. He takes a deep breath and forces the anger away. "Regardless, he attempted to enter the factory on the grounds that he was Charlie's father, but I refused to admit him. I encouraged Dawn to leave and dealt with the caitiff in as clean a manner as I could manage. I didn't get away unscathed, but I didn't get the worst of it, believe you me."

     Mum just about has a fit at hearing her ex-husband tried to break in. It wasn't exactly an active break in, but that's the picture Will has painted. Oscar sure thought he was getting in and was active enough for me to let Will paint whatever picture he wants about the encounter. Will finally looks down and fiddles with my hair that falls loosely around my shoulders.

     I notice Wilbur's arm around Mum's shoulders as she looks to us with forlorn eyes. "So he's still out there? Just waiting for the moment we step foot out that gate? We can't stay cooped up in here forever! I-"

Rising Dawn (Willy Wonka X OC)Where stories live. Discover now