"I don't know how...do I really have to?" Feeling awkward, Charles pulled his hand away from her waist only to be pulled back to its initial position.

"I'll guide you, don't worry. First, left foot--"

"--No goddamnit, let me in!" A sharp voice cut through the classical music, earning few stares from people near the entrance including Charles and Jade. "Fuck, let go--bunbun!"

Idiot, where have you been? Charles sighed, annoyed with Jordan causing a scene yet relieved at the same time for seeing him perfectly fine.

"Excuse me, i need to~" Charles pushed Jade's hand gently, pointing at the commotion building up at the entrance doors.

"You know him?" She asked, to which Charles nodded. "Didn't you came with Milliard?"

"Well, yeah..."

To avoid alarming the guests with the commotion, the security men closed the door shut. Jordan's screams faded right after, drowned by the loud speakers.

"..." Charles let go of Jade's hand to follow the voices outside. Yet, upon opening the door;

"Oh?" Milliard grinned upon opening the door. "I apologize for making you wait, Mr Monroe. Where are you heading to?"

Charles didn't speak. Instead, he walked past Milliard. There's no way this man didn't saw Jordan getting dragged and since he came alone, he probably ignored Jordan's pleas.

"No~~" Milliard tugged his arm, to which Charles reacted violently to. "I'm afraid i can't let you leave yet. You haven't even fulfilled your purpose."

"You know what? Fuck that. Oh, and you too. Fuck you."

Charles stomped Milliard's shoe, making sure to cover the shining leather with dirt and dust. Looking down at it, he smirked.

"I'll return the suits afterwards. Just message me the address--" Yet one step forward, he tripped over the exact same foot he stepped on.

This bastard-- Charles pushed himself up, his left cheek hurting a little from hitting the tiles first. Upon standing, he fixed himself and sighed. Don't lose your temper, Charles. He's not worth it~

"Oh, my deepest apologies. Does it hurt?" Milliard grinned, even walking in front of Charles to caress his blemished cheek.

"Ew, move away. Your perfume stinks." Charles tried to push him away but the man insisted on getting closer. "One more step and i wi--"

Hearing footsteps and familiar voices, Milliard completely disregarded Charles' words and pulled him by the waist. The victim didn't even get to struggle as the miscreant made sure that not only their bodies are touching, but also their lips.

"--least do it for me. I promise I won't bother you any further after.." Alessandra's words faded out upon turning her sight ahead. Even Xander, who is walking alongside her, stopped to stare. "Milli--"

"Mmff--!" Charles kneed him, successfully getting away from the suffocating hold. "Ew~ew~ew, why would you do that?!"

He wiped the remaining residue off his lips. Hell, he's even thinking about bleaching his mouth just to make sure it's clean.

"You're sick! Assault is a crime, you bitch!" To express his fury, he kicked him in the nuts. Though, that move didn't land a huge impact as it only made Milliard wince.

"I apo--" Charles spat on his face, cutting him speechless.

".." No one dared to speak, just the three of them staring at Charles' face turning red from bloodrush. Well, that was until Xander decided to snicker.

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