He Minzhe: "Okay I'll tell you. Hmph I feel so used, you only want to talk to me when I have any infomration you want. Your love doctor is on the news."

Qin Song immediately turned on the TV and flicked to the news. On the screen appeared the face of Li Xiuying and a news reporter.

Journalist: "We've heard that Dr Yang Zian's previous colleagues and alleged victims are currently working at the hospital. Can you tell us about them and your opinions about Yang Zian?"

Li Xiuying: "I believe the members of the media have previously endeavored to destroy the lives of the doctors that you are now referring to as victims. It is an insult to ask your question in such a way that makes it seems like you have never met them or given a kick to them whilst they were down."

Journalist: "I ... I ... I"

Li Xiuying: "I have to have faith in the medical council which policies us and ensures the safety of patients and also protects the doctors who pay them annually to do so. I support the ideals and values of the medical council. I think that a person such as Yang Zian who would harm patients, colleagues, his fellow humans has no humanity within him. He has shown no remorse and has even happily returned to work, dressed in an expensive suit without a care in the world. I am proud to be an employee at Unity hospital, where good doctors were given a second chance. Yang Zian is a surgeon who was allowed to practice even though many of his colleagues and patients have lodged formal complaints against him. I hope they can courageously step forward again, this time their voices will not be drowned out because everyone has their eyes on this story. This will be the time for them to come forward and get justice for themselves and their loved ones." Find authorized novels in Webnovel,faster updates, better experience,Please click for visiting.

Journalists: "Are you suggesting that..."

Li Xiuying: "I am not suggesting, stating or insinuating that other hospitals are filled with bad doctors and only the Unity hospital has good doctors. There is good and bad in every intuition and workplace regardless of what field it is from accounting to teaching, from cleaning companies to gaming. The medical field is no different. Just like the world of journalism, not every journalist twists the truth and sensationalizes stories to make money. I would like to end on a reassuring note to all current and future patients. There are still many amazing, competent hard-working doctors working in medical facilities across China. That's all. Thank you for your time." She turned and walked away. 

The journalist watched Li Xiuying walk away. He faced the camera: "Well, there you have it. I believe I have run out of time, its back to the studio for other news across Beijing." 

Qin Song had a massive smile on his face as he turned off the TV. 'She managed to get her revenge after all.' 

He Minzhe's voice could be heard from Qin Song's smartphone: "She is so sly and cunning! No wonder you like her, she's like a female version of you!!! You narcissist! In just the space of a minute and a half, she defended her colleagues, improved Unity hospital's reputation, tore down Yang Zian and emerald hospital, called the medical council to deal with the situation honestly as the eyes of the public are watching them, encouraged victims to come forward to provide more evidence against Yang Zian and slapped journalists in the face before also clarifying they are not all bad. Damn, she even reassured the public. I'm out of breath."

Qin Song spoke nonchalantly: "Why are you still there? Don't you have work to do?"

He Minzhe: "How rude?! Even after I allowed you to spend extra time with your sweetheart."

Qin Song: "I have a meeting in 10 minutes."

He Minzhe: "Yeah, Yeah. You owe me lunch and a small favor to be named at a later date." He then hung up before Qin Song could refuse. 

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