Chapter Two

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It had been a tough day, so Can suggested a nice quite dinner at his house before he took her home. She of course accepted, and called her mother to let her know. She ate at Cans house more than she did at home now,  so her mom was used to the last minute phone call.  They made the drive to his house, in record time, longing to be alone. They had to steal minutes here and there just for any type of intimacy. She thought that Can actually had the hours marked off on the calendar until their wedding night. If he had it his way, they wouldn't  see the light of day for at least a week. But she wouldn't complain, she had waited for this forever, for her Albatross to find her and carry her away on his wings of love. 

His cooking was phenomenal and it was a blessing, if it wasn't they would surely starve in their married life, or they would have to hire a cook. They lounged on the patio, breathing in the night air, it had just enough of a nip to need a fire in the fireplace. This was what he dreamed of each night, after he would take her home. He would come back home alone and envision them living here. How wonderful their lives would be, he was sure of it. 

The evening had passed way to soon and before he knew it was already time to take her home. This the part of the evening he hated the most, their parting for the night. They held each other tightly before her time to go in. He gave her a kiss on the cheek and whispered in her ear, " My dear, I miss you already, can we just stay like this tonight." Sanem felt the goosebumps rise on her skin and her willpower start to waver, she gave him a another quick peck on the cheek just in case one of the neighbors we're watching, and then she was gone. Tomorrow couldn't come fast enough...he thought as he watched her disappear through the door.

He was up and around extra early the next morning. To the gym for a good workout, a shower and on to the office. He still arrived before most anyone else. His favorite time, early in the morning, he could get so much done. He was deep into his work, when Sanem tapped on his door. " Good Morning, my love," I brought us tea." She said as she waltzed through his door. He welcomed her with opened arms, taking the tea from her and sitting it on the desk. He wrapped her in his arms and breathed in her smell, the aroma revitalize him, it always stirred his blood. They took their teas and sat on the sofa. She leaned her head on his shoulder as she listened to his heart beat and the blood rush through his body. Such a vital man, how had she been so lucky as to snag this eligible bachelor. 

Sanem's phone rang, looking at her phone see saw it was her mother and she knew she had to answer, " Hello mom, is everything ok," she asked. Mevkibe was a bundle of nerves, trying to plan a perfect wedding. It was bound to be the social event of the year for their neighborhood. She was a little frantic, " Sanem, I must have the final guest list number, we have to secure the wedding hall and make sure the place must be big enough." She replied. Sanem shook her head, rolling her eyes," Ok mom, we will get that today, I'll make sure, Yes,mom, Yes mom, ok, I'll call you." She quickly hung up. Can was amused at the desperate tone to Mevkibe's voice over the phone. " Sanem, I hope those two aren't going over board with the planning, did we not agree to simple and small." He asked. She tilted her head and started at him, " You do remember my mother and Milihat don't you, and you ask such questions." She laughed. He smiled, knowing exactly what he was in for. But he could endure anything, if it meant this beautiful woman he was looking at would be his wife. " Ok, we can work on that list at lunch, ok." He insisted. 

He had been digging up all the information he could on Redmond cosmetics, just to be ahead of the game. He pulled up all the advertisements that had already been launched for them. The couple viewed them all, knowing they had to top all of them. Sanem had a few ideas, but was holding on to them until she had a chance to work them up on her computer. Compass Sports was still in the process of building their store in Kayseri, they had some changes at the last minute that threw the project behind. Taner had some big ideas, setting the whole concept back in the schedule. They had added a large climbing area inside the complex, sort of like a teaching area. They could also test products and develop new ones. It would make them a step ahead of everyone else when it came to mountain climbing. 

This sport had become quite popular, with several climbing schools and climbing clubs popping up. So the advertising part of the project had changed a few times. Can always insisted on being the one to talk to Taner when it came to revising the campaign, which was fine with her, his attitude toward her had bother her some. The first time they talked after he relocated to Kayseri was awkward to say the least. He acted like she had called off a wedding  between the two of them or something. Very dramatic and uncalled for, so Can took over the conversation part of things, just relaying the designs that the team was forming for the ad. He loved the campaign so far, so no complaints and the job was full speed ahead. At the end of every call he always told Can, " Please tell Sanem I said hello, would you."  Can always gritted his teeth and smiled, agreeing to relay the message. 

There was a note that arrived for Sanem, about 2 months after Taner had left for Kayseri. It was just about the time she stopped talking to him on the phone about the campaign. She never told  Can about it because she thought it was completely harmless, and Taner was a half a country away. But the note had read, " This could have been so perfect, you and I." But once again you broke my heart."  It came with no name, but it was obvious who the writer was. She just didn't get it, she never understood what he meant, when did I break his heart? She wondered. Obviously Taner had more feelings for her than she had for him, and that concerned her.  She would be glad when this ad campaign was over and they wouldn't have to deal with Taner. There was always a problem, if it wasn't Polen trying to reclaim Can as her own, it was Ceyda, prancing around like the next Mrs. Divit.  It was so tiring, she wondered if it would ever stop, or is this what she had to put up with the rest of her life. Her life had always been calm and non-eventful, but Can's, that was a different story, he stirred attention wherever he went. 

This was a new experience for her, she had never had unwanted attention thrown at her. It was almost in a stalker fashion, and she didn't like it. 

But she knew Can would protect her.....because that's what he did...

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