Day 13

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Aphmau's P.O.V

I was still recovering over the break up. It was for the greater good, I guess. But I wonder what Emmalyn's next move is. And that's when I heard it.

"WHAT THE ACTUAL FUCK?!" I rush out my room, just like mostly everyone else did. I went downstairs and saw Ivy passionately kissing Garroth.

"Ew.." I mumble. I shake my head and turn to see Laurance's very angry face. It had a hint of sadness as well, but mostly anger. Everyone was hella confused and angered by Garroth's and Ivy's choices. I look up to see Emmalyn and.... Lillian...? Why the hell is Lillian here? Anyways...
Garroth pulled away from Ivy with a somewhat disgusted look on his face. I know what's happening, and Im not letting this continue.

Everyone was yelling, while Ivy, Lillian, and Emmalyn giggled at the arguing group.
Enough is enough.
I cant let this shit continue.

"SHUT UP, ALL OF YOU!" I yell. Everyone immediately shut up, not used to hearing me yell. My face was red with anger as I stomped up to Emmalyn.

"Aphmau, are you okay?" Emmalyn asked.
I slapped her.
And I slapped her h a r d.
So hard, that she fell to the floor, holding her cheek. Everyone stood in shock at my actions.

"I can't stand this crap anymore! Emmalyn all you do is ruin happy relationships! Just stop it. You know what's better than that? Getting out of my damn house. Because all this drama that you caused in this house, is annoying and no one wants to deal with it. And I'll admit it, I'm the one who started it, but I didn't want it to continue. So all the extra stuff, like trying to fuck with Garroth and Laurance's relationship is stupid and it needs to stop." I growl. Emmalyn stared at me before smirking.

"I'm not doing anything though." She says innocently.

"Don't fucking lie Emmalyn. I know you're the one doing this and it's not funny. So imma need for you to pack your shit and get the fuck out my house." I yell. Ivy and Lillan snuck past us and walked out the house. Emmalyn scoffed and got up.

"FINE! But I'm never coming back. And remember Aphmau, you're the one who started it." Emmalyn said walking upstairs to get her stuff.

"Fuck off Emmalyn." I mumble.

"Aph, what does she mean you started it?" Katelyn asked. I sighed and looked down in shame.

"Look, I wanted to have more drama in the house. There wasn't anything happening and it was boring. So I asked Emmalyn to help me create some form of drama, I guess it just got of hand. I didn't want anyone to break up or get mad at each other." I say sadly. I felt their stares as I kept staring at the ground.

"So you caused this?" Zane asked.

"Yes but Emmalyn continued it after I told her to stop. I know I'm in the wrong, and I don't expect you guys to forgive me for doing this. I'm not making this any better so I'm gonna go to my room." I say walking past the probably angry group.

(Time skipppppppppppp)

I stayed up in there for the rest of the week. No one went to talk to me for the first couple of days and Emmalyn left. I slowly started getting out of my room more, but everytime someone comes to speak to me, I felt a wave of guilt hit me and I immediately end the conversation. But besides that, everything was going back to normal. Garroth and Laurance forgave each other and are okay. Aaron and I didn't get back together and I can't blame him. Nobody wants to be with a liar. And everything was okay between everyone.
They all forgave me the second day of me being in my room and not talking.

So I feel like quarantine can't get worse from here.



Sorry for the short chapter, but I have news that the next chapter is gonna be the last chapter of the book... But don't worry. There's gonna be a second book. And I'm already making a beginning chapter... Not the first chapter, but the that talks about the story (i forgot what it's called), anyways, have a nice day.

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