Day 5 (Pt.1)

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Zane's P.O.V

Garroth and Laurance have been hanging out with each other lately. I wonder if Nicole actually succeeded in her quest to get Laurance and my brother together. It's possible...very. I ate Aphmau's cupcakes that were left in the kitchen. That was when Gene came in the kitchen. I covered my face with my mask and putting the cupcake back on the table. "Zane~ buddyyy. What are you doing with Aphmau's cupcakes?" He asked.

"Nothing..." I said pushing the cupcake behind me.

"Were you eating her cupcakes?! Ohhh, hohohooo you are gonna be in so much trouble! APHMAU-"

  "GENE SHUSH! Don't tell Aph, please!" I beg. Gene smirked in response.

"What's in it for me, Zane?" He teased. I look at him.

"Um, I-... I'll...uh... let you sleep in my bed instead of the cold floor!" I said. Gene looked at me before laughing hysterically.

"BAHAHAHA! W-wait you're serious?" He asked. I nodded. He stared at me, like he was trying to tell if I was lying. "Wait... with or without you?" He asked, a blush creeping on his face.

"NO! Of course not! I'll just be sleeping in your spot." I said defensively. He let out a breath of relief.

"Oh, good..."
I nodded, waiting for him to leave so I could take off my mask.

"So are you gonna take off your mask and eat your cupcakes or nah?" Gene said getting something to eat.

"When you leave, yeah!" I said loudly.

"Why can't you do it when I'm in here?" Gene asked.

"Because I don't like anyone except for my brothers...and see my face." I explained. Gene hummed in response. He walked to me and pulled down my mask to reveal freckles sprinkled across my face. A blush risen to my face.

"You have freckles?!" Gene exclaimed. I pulled my mask back up.


"Why don't you show them?" He asked taking my cupcake and starting to eat it.

"Because I'm the only one in my family that has freckles!"

"And? Take it off?"


"It isn't even yours! It's Aphmau's-"

"What's mine?" Aphmau asks while walking in. Gene stuffed his mouth with the rest of the cupcake then shoved the wrapper into my hands.

"Zane ate your cupcake." I stared at Gene in shock.

"GENE!" I yell. Aphmau shot daggers at me.

"Zane! Those were for the party this evening!" Aphmau complained.

"But it wasn't even me!" I whined. Gene chuckled and left the room. Aphmau rolled her eyes and pulled up my mask. "Oh..thank you." I said, sheepishly.

"No problem. Anyways... we're meeting in the living room around 7. The games were chosen by everyone...except you." Aphmau said. I rolled my eyes.

"So what's the games?" I ask. Aphmau gave my an evil smirk.

"I can't tell you~" Aphmau said. I sigh.

"Okay then..." I say walking out of the kitchen.


Aphmau's P.O.V

I giggle and close my cupcakes back up. I went upstairs and decided that I should write for today. So I took out my notebook and started to write...

Dear Dairy,

Today's the day of the "party" and I'm kinda excited. Today so far, was good except when Zane ate some of my cupcakes. I was NOT happy. But it's okay, because his mask was off and I could see all of his freckles that scattered his face. I'm guessing Gene saw it too because Zane had it down when Gene was in there.
But.... I'm getting off topic.. The party is in an
hour and I haven't really picked a game yet. KC picked truth or dare. Katelyn chose bloody knuckles(which we aren't playing), Michi chose spin the bottle, Lucinda also picked truth or dare. Most of the boys picked truth or dare, Nicole picked spin the bottle, and I don't know what to pick... Maybe I'll go with truth or dare. Moving on from that topic, Garroth and Laurance are dating! Garroth told me after dinner yesterday and I screamed. People were hecka worried but who cares. I'm guessing Nicole succeeded in getting the two together. I'm so happy to see Garroth happy. I haven't seen him THIS happy since he and Laurance were trying to get me to date them. Heh... They're cute together. Well, that's all for today.


I close my book and shoved it into my desk. I walked out of my room and downstairs. Mostly everyone was down there watching Hell's Kitchen. I flopped onto Aaron's lap and decided to watch it with them. A couple hours past and we were all downstairs with music playing on max volume. We were all dancing and talking to each other as we ate pizza and sweets. I was with Aaron and Zane just talking about life. That's when Katelyn and Nicole ran up to us. "Hey! Everyone wants to play games now. Whenever you guys are ready, we can start." Katelyn said, Nicole nodding in agreement.

"Of course! We can start now." I say standing on an empty table. "We're playing truth of dare now! Everyone form a circle!" I yell, getting everyone's attention. Some boys groaned, obviously not wanting to play which is funny because they were the ones to pick it. I jump off the table and sit on the floor in between Aaron and Lucinda. We were all deciding who should go first, and Dante decided to go first...

Sorry for the short chapter! I wanted to get this chapter out of y'all as soon as possible. Y'know since I started a new story (To Kill The Dead) I'm gonna be focusing on that story as well. I really hope that you enjoy the first part of day 5 and the second part should be out tomorrow. And as for To Kill The Dead, a new part should be out tonight. Love y'all and stay safe💙

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