Day 5 pt 2

150 1 3

Dante's P.O.V

We all sat in a circle, trying to figure out who would ask first. After a couple minutes of arguing, I decided that I will ask first. I look around the room when my eyes landed on Zane who made eye contact with me before darting his eyes around the room. "Zane, truth or dare?" I ask. Zane cursed under his breath before sighing.

"I dunno... truth?" He said, more like a question. I chuckled a little as Zane impatiently waited for my question.

"Who do you like the most in this room?" I ask. Zane stared at me in disbelief.

"W-wait- that's it?" He stuttered in surprised.

"Of course not! That'll make the game to easy!" I say as everyone started to giggle. Zane rolled his eyes. "I mean as...more than a friend." I can tell that Zane was blushing behind his mask.

"N-no one! All of you guys are out of my league." Zane said, pouting.

"Ouch." Nicole mumbled. I stared at her and she smiled at me.

"Are we that unattractive?" Aphmau scoffed.

"I-It's not l-like that!" Zane said. We all laughed in response.

"I was joking Zane. We all know that I'm the best looking person in here." Aphmau said tossing her hair back.

Garroth scoffed. "Are you sure about that? Last time I checked, I was the best looking person here." He said, posing. Aphmau wheezed.

"That was before quarantine happened. Now you look like a hobo that we dragged off of the streets. Just look in the mirror!" Aphmau shot back. At this point, we were all rolling on the floor. Garroth was hiding in Laurance's shirt in embarrassment. Though Laurance was laughing his head off. We were laughing for a couple minutes before we were all calmed down.

"Ok-" Zane started. "Laurance, truth or dare?" Zane asked. Laurance, without a second thought, shouted dare. Zane let out an evil laugh, which made us all scared of what he was thinking. He then whispered to Aph who started to die of laughter. We stared at the two as they laughed to themselves. "I dare you to let Garroth sit on your lap for the rest of the game." Zane said. Laurance and Garroth's face turned red as they looked at each other.

"Umm... is it too late to change my choice." Laurance said.

"Yep!" Zane said. Garroth squeaked as Laurance pulled him onto his lap. I feel like he just wanted to see Garroth suffer.

"This isn't proper social distancing, Laurance." Garroth mumbled. We all laughed in response. Laurance scanned the room before pointing at Katelyn.

"Truth or dare." Laurance asked. Katelyn answered dare. "I dare you to kiss the hottest person in this room." He said.

  "I can't kiss myself, Laurance." Katelyn said. The girls giggled and Laurance rolled his eyes.

"Fine... then kiss the second hottest person in this room." He said. Katelyn went up to Aphmau and kissed her cheek.

"Awww, thanks Katelyn." Aphmau said, blushing. I could see a hint of jealousy in Laurance's eye but ignored it. Katelyn smiled back.

"Okay Aph, truth or dare?" Katelyn asked.

"Truth."  Aphmau chirped. I kinda hoped that she would've chosen dare like the daredevil she is. Katelyn thought about a question of awhile before saying.

  "Rate everyone, in this room on a scale of one to 10 based on looks." Katelyn said. Aphmau nodded.

"Okay. First Katelyn, 8 out of 10. Zane, 6 out of 10. Nicole 8 out of 10. KC, 5 out of 10. Garroth 7.99 out of 10. Laurance 7.98 out of 10. Aaron 9.9 out of 10. Vylad, 4 out of 10. Gene, 3.5 out of 10. Dante, 5.9 out of 10. Lucinda, 9.5 out of 10, Travis 6.7 out of 10, Emmalyn, 8.9 out of 10, and me 100 out of 10." Aphmau said tossing her hair back.

"Wait, how come I have the lowest rating?" Vylad whined. Aphmau just shrugged, not really having an answer. Everyone else was okay with their rating.

"Okay, Vylad, truth or dare....."

The game went on for 2 hours. I was dared to jump into the pool. Laurance was getting uncomfortable with Garroth on his lap. Zane had to tell 2 of his secrets. KC had to be honest about what she thinks about everyone. (Which was very brutal. Our pride was very bruised after KC's turn.) And Aaron had to do whatever the person to his right (Lucinda) did. We were all pretty tired after that. It was really fun and we were all about to go to sleep when....


Muahahaha! Cliffhanger! I'm so mean! I know this chapter is short, but part 3 of day 5 is gonna be longer. Also, that part is gonna take awhile to come out because I have to babysit my niece and nephews so I won't be able to work on it WHICH MAKES ME SO UPSET! Well, anyways have a safe day/night. Stay safe, stay inside and remember


Quarantine Diaries| An Aphmau FF|Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz