Day 7 pt 2/Day 8

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Travis' P.O.V

Katelyn sat next to me while we played spin the bottle. She always liked me but I didn't like her. You might ask, "TrAvIs, dIdN't YoU lIkE hEr?"  but ever since she rejected me and used Laurance, I didn't want her anymore. I had my eyes on someone else. But I'll let Katelyn continue to flirt with me. I won't flirt back though.

I stare at the bottle as it came to a stop the top pointing at me. My face flushed as I look up at Gene who obviously wasn't happy with the outcome. I saw Zane staring at Gene with pure jealousy. Soon I felt a lips on mine for a hot minute before pulling away. I felt like I was gonna vomit. "Damn Travis, I didn't know you were THAT bad at kissing." Gene joked. Everyone chuckled as my face got warmer.

"I bet he isn't THAT bad." Katelyn said through her laughs. I roll my eyes and spun the bottle. And just my luck, it landed on Katelyn.

I turn my head to see Katelyn blushing. Her blue eyes stared at me before she leaned in for the kiss. I didn't want to kiss her. I didn't like her like that anymore. But before I could push back, she kissed me. I didn't kiss back. I couldn't kiss back. She pulled back, a confused look in her eyes. She turned back to the bottle and stayed quiet. I shrugged it off and wiped off my lips with my shirt. 

"I want next!" Aphmau said spinning the bottle. She spun it with a lot of force, so it spun for a while.

"Nice going Aph." Laurance said. We laughed as the bottle came to a slow stop on Aaron. Aphmau smiled and pulled Aaron into the kiss, which her boyfriend gladly accepted.

"Get a room!" Dante said, faking a gag. Aphmau pulled away and stuck out her tongue. Dante just smiled and spun the bottle. It landed on Vylad. I could see how uncomfortable the pair got as Garroth and Zane stared at Dante. Dante hesitated and reached for the bottle again. "I don't think either of us want to do that." Dante said, shifting in his seat.

"Nonsense! Kiss him or I will force you to." Nicole said. Dante sighed and gave him a kiss on the cheek. He immediately got closer to Nicole, who just pushed him away.

Zane stared at the bottle and sighed. "I'll go next, I guess." Zane said spinning the bottle. It landed on Garroth. He gagged and spun it again. "I'm sorry but we aren't in Alabama." He said, making everyone laugh. The bottle landed on Aaron. Aphmau laughed and shoved him.

"Kiss." She said pushing Aaron closer.

"Really Aph?" Aaron said shocked. Aph only giggled and pushed him closer.

"I don't mind. It's a game. It's not like you'll turn gay after one short kiss." She said. Aaron shrugged and kissed his cheek.

"That did NOT feel right." He said. Aphmau rolled her eyes and pulled Aaron closer to her.

"That's because you're straight, babe." She said. We all chuckled as Aaron rolled his eyes.

"Anyways, I'll spin!" Nicole said,excitedly. It landed on Emmalyn. They kissed with no question. Dante was jealous and everyone knew that.

After a couple of turns,I decided to do another spin. So far I have kissed everyone except for who I actually wanted to kiss. I spun the bottle hard (kInKy) so it'll spin longer. After about a minute, the bottle slowed and landed on Zane. Zane's face turned pink as he looked up at me. I felt my face heat up as we crawled closer to each other. I felt his soft lips touch mine and I immediately fell into the kiss. It lasted about 2 minutes before we had to catch our breath. "Okay, break it up you two. I don't want to see my brother make-out with his future husband for 10 minutes." Vylad said. Everyone chuckled as we jumped back to our spots. Zane covered his face with his mask he took off just to play this game. After that, we decided to just watch TV again. It was pretty boring watching TV for 3 hours, but we managed.

We decided it was time to go to sleep for the night before some pulled me into a kiss. They pulled away and chuckled. "Night, Travis..." Zane said going downstairs. All I could do was smile and blush. I don't think I'm going to sleep anytime soon.

(Time Skip to day 8 because if I stopped it there it would be a short chapter and who likes short chapters)

Aphmau's P.O.V

Dear Journal,

Quarantine is going well so far. It's getting more boring by the day, so I'm starting to write in here more often. I guess Aaron was right, this thing might keep me sane for however ling quarantine is gonna last. But last night, I went to take the 15 cupcake trays that I had in my room downstairs when I saw Zane pull Travis into a kiss! How amazing is that?! I don't think they saw me though, I guess that's a good thing though.

I'm ready to leave this house. I really can't stand staying indoors any longer. I've been living off of TokTik, Instaspam, and Pinteresting. I'm even considering dying my hair! Or giving myself bangs! I'm almost at rock bottom. Something needs to happen before I snap. But until that happens, I'll have to continue writing about the lame crap that's happening in this journal.


I close my journal and sigh as I place it on my desk. I check my phone to see no notifications. How interesting. I sigh and walk out of my room and go downstairs. I jump onto the couch and groan loudly.

"What's wrong, Aphmau?" Emmalyn asked. I sigh and sit up.

"I'm bored! There is literally NOTHING to do here! I feel like I'm gonna go crazy if I stay here for another day." I say falling back onto the couch. I could hear Emmalyn sigh as she sat on the arm of the couch.

"Well, did you write in your journal like Aaron said you should? He got you that for a reason." Emma said. I nodded and scroll on my phone.

"I just did that. It's been a huge help, but it's not enough! I need something else to happen. My ships sailing isn't exciting enough anymore. I need something big! I need more problems! I'm tired of this boring, simple life." I ranted. Emmalyn nodded in response. Emmalyn was an amazing listener, though I could tell she wanted to give her own input during my whole rant.

"Well maybe, we could create some problems." She said. I sat up in shock.

"What do you mean? You would create drama, just to help me?" I ask.

She nodded. "Starting off with some quarantine secrets that we've both found out. We'll use it against them, and maybe... drama could happen." She said. I could not believe my ears. Emmalyn doesn't seem like the person to want to deal with drama. But before I could even reject it, my brain had some other ideas.

"Deal. What's the plan?" I ask, without hesitation. Why am I agreeing with this?

"Give me some secrets that you've heard." She says. I thought about it for awhile before whispering to her:

"Zane and Travis."  She seemed to know what I meant, because of how her calm face expression turned into a more devious one.

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