Chapter 1

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The Past....

Kahmunrah pov.

Ever since I was young, I knew I was destined to be king as it was a promise from the God's and I knew it was my responsibility to fulfil it. The years went quicker than expected and when I hit my 16th birthday, my mother and father had another child, this I can't explain why they did, but I learned to accept it. My little brother was the last of the royal family, as my mother was told she couldn't have anymore or she would risk her life. As selfish as I merely stated she would kill herself if she was to have another child. I remember her chuckle and laugh and her confirmation about her not having any other children. For that I am glad. My little brother can be quite annoying and his name is Ahkmenrah. I knew as soon as my father stepped down from the throne, it would be my responsibility to take over and rule the lands of Egypt and I had my plan on what I would do.

Years flew by quicker and my father stayed strong on the throne. What can I say he is my role model, he is strong and gets his point across quite sternly. My little brother, although annoying, and a hassle is innocent and it makes me sick to say this quite sweet. He follows me everywhere even at the age of 6 he is determined to follow me even when I am on the throne. He and I may not have a particular relationship, but even if I scream or yell at him, he always comes back with the brightest smile on his face and he always forgives me, even when he is at fault, he blames himself and no one believes him as he is at the age where he wont be at fault. He is determined and this makes me quite proud of him.

He gets all the attention and applause and I understand this is due to his age and he has a problem with wandering off, or daydreaming about things that may never happen, such as stuff that takes people around to places. The priests believe he is just having dreams but it's a secret between us two brothers, although he may not understand it, I believe we can both see small bits of the future.

My mother gave me the task of watching Ahkmenrah for a few minutes while she went on a quick message. I had only turned my back for a few seconds but when I turned back to Ahkmenrah, he was gone. I shook my head before following a trail of pebbles that were on the floor. I heard laughter from the guards, I sped up and what I caught sight of was something I wish to never see again. Ahkmenrah had been shoved into the river by a guard, at the age of 6 Ahkmenrah couldn't swim. I raced towards the river and jumped in before anyone could say anything. I pulled him towards my chest and got his head above the water. I swam to the edge and felt myself being lifted out of the water and was pulled into a towel. Ahkmenrah hadn't let go of my chest and I wrapped him in a towel. I laid back and saw the worried faces of my parents. I made a promise to Ahkmenrah before I let the darkness consume me.

"I will always be here whether in person or spirit for you, as I will always watch over you despite how annoying you become and I will protect you with my life, especially against those who are our enemies and that includes family".

Skip to years later....

I had just turned 30 and Ahkmenrah had turned 15, it's weird sharing the same birthday but we both didn't seem to mind, you could call us two peas in a pod. We were inseparable. I would say we haven't really left each other's sight since we lost both our parents. I was ready to take the throne when I was greeted with the most devastating news that would change my life forever. My father had consulted the high priest and created two items one was "The Gate of Kahmunrah" and the other was "The Tablet of Ahkmenrah". It wasn't the devastating news, it was the fact that my father insisted that Ahkmenrah was to be on the throne. This didn't just make me angry, it infuriated me.

I did something that I would never do again. A week after Ahkmenrah's coronation, he had just turned 16, I stood by his bedside blinded by anger and I looked down at him, to see the angel eyes and baby face that he could never seem to get rid of. Before I could acknowledge what I was about to do, my favoured dagger went into my baby brother's stomach, he jolted pain etched all over his face. I snapped out of my trance and I instantly knew I had made the worst mistake in my life. I held him in my lap and against my chest. He laid his head against my chest and sat in a bridal carry against my chest. I heard the click behind me, I wasn't watching for any danger, I looked at my brother who was peaceful, he spoke words that will never leave my mind and before I knew it blood flowed freely out of my chest as I felt something pierce my chest. I looked down at my chest to see a sword sticking out of my chest, I heard laughter behind me from a familiar voice behind me. I held onto my brother who was limp in my arms and I thought of our last conversation before welcoming the darkness.

Ahkmenrah, "Kah, don't cry, I forgive you. it was meant to be this way, I love you big brother. I promise I do". Kahmunrah replied "Ahk I am so sorry, smile brightly the guards are watching over us, I love you little brother".

To all, I am currently re-sorting this book out - it was written years ago and now the plot is being sorted. As well as re-reading the book. Further updates are on the way - I appreciate your wait!
By no means is this a forgotten book, it will be complete :)

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