Epilogue - Never Got To Say Goodbye

Start from the beginning

"Me, too."

We arrived at the packhouse and I couldn't help but laugh at what I saw. Ryder had a large poster that said "I <3 Wren" and was waving it around while the rest of my friends waved, though Erin wasn't there oddly enough. Joshua parked the car and we exit to greet them. "Who let Ryder wave that around?" I asked as soon as we arrived in front of them. 

"No one," Marie said. "But I let it be. We're all going to miss you, and the sentiment is true. We all love you."

"You guys are so sweet," I said, and we all pulled into a group hug. "I'm going to miss you guys so much. Visit me or I swear-"

"The same can be said for you," Aaron pointed out. "Don't let your pretty beta keep you away for too long."

We all pulled away and I was able to punch Aaron in the arm. He smiled, not even flinching. I then noticed that someone else was missing. "Hey, where's Kit? And Erin?"

I wanted to say goodbye to the little fox before I left. We'd grown close in the time he'd spent in the pack. Aaron frowned at my question, glancing back at the packhouse. "Erin was supposed to be here. He said he was going to bring Kit down."

Something in the pit of my stomach told me that we should go check, so I walked past the group to make my way into the packhouse. As soon as I entered, I knew something was wrong. It was deathly silent. Usually, there would've been at least one or two people milling about, or even a warrior, but there was no one. Everyone else came in after me and must've noticed that something was off.

"It's quiet," Marie said, her voice hushed.

I quickly made my way upstairs to Kit's room, and with every step, my heartbeat seemed to echo louder and louder in my ears. The moment I entered the hallway, the sudden stench of... Great Goddess.

Scattered throughout the hallways were bodies, some hunched over against the walls, others sprawled out on the floor. They were all motionless.

I think I'm going to be sick.

My hand quickly moved to cover my mouth and stop any potential vomiting. It smelled like blood and death. The gasps behind me confirmed that what I was seeing was real. Joshua's arms were quick to wrap around me and pull me behind him, and I was glad for his comforting touch. 


Our attention snapped to Aaron, who'd already gone ahead to Kit's room. Marie and Ryder were by the bodies in the hallway, but they followed us into the kitsune's room when we heard our friend.

Erin was on the floor, barely breathing. Under his head was a pool of blood and his hand was placed over what seemed to be a wound also seeping plenty of blood. Aaron was knelt down beside his body, assessing for any more injuries. 

When I looked around for Kit, my heart dropped into my stomach when I noticed the shattered window and obvious signs of a struggle. Someone had come in, hurt Erin and the others out in the hall, and took Kit. And it couldn't have been that long ago if the others were able to greet Joshua and me outside and not know anything.


We all looked up when Ryder called us. In his hand was a note. "It was them. The Eye. They took him back, said it was never our place to interfere," he said, most likely confirming all of our suspicions.

"We have to get him back," I declared.

"Wren, Kit never showed us where they used to keep him. How are we supposed to find him?" Aaron asked.

"We can figure it out. Maybe he left a clue, or maybe Erin heard or saw something. Right now, we need help," I said.

"Already on it," Marie piped up, her phone already pressed to her ear.

Within minutes, we heard a multitude of feet stomping up the stairs. Alpha James was quick to enter, his face paling when he saw his son on the floor. "Alpha James," Ryder called. "Here."

He handed the alpha the note and Alpha James quickly read through it. "So they came back for Kit," he commented.

We could hear people in the hallways dealing with the bodies, shouting frantically and running about in a hurry, but we remained silent. What else could we say? Erin had been hurt, so many others had been hurt - maybe even killed. We didn't know just yet. And Kit... Kit had been taken back to a place he'd just escaped from. He was back in the hands of monsters and that made me sick to my stomach. 

I felt a lump rise in my throat as I tried to maintain my composure. I needed to clear my head so I could help, not hinder anyone with my emotions. Everyone was probably about to lose it, even Alpha James. 


I looked up when Joshua whispered my name. He grabbed my hands, pulling me into his chest. "What are you thinking about?" He asked quietly.

"I never got to say goodbye."

"I know. I'm sorry."

At that moment, I was sure everyone was filled with the same flurry of emotions: sadness, confusion, anger, fear. Any semblance of safety had just shattered right before our eyes. We were knocked down from our pedestal and left vulnerable. The Eye had taken more than Kit, they'd taken a piece of our pride. They'd not only attacked us but they'd shown us yet again how dangerous they were. I didn't understand why it had to be our pack, why it had to be our blood spilled on the floor. Still, we wouldn't let this break us. This group of people needed to be stopped right in their tracks before anyone else got hurt. And at that moment, I was sure we were all silently coming to the same conclusion:

The Eye had messed with the wrong people.




A little short, so I figured I'd make it an epilogue rather than a chapter. Y'all I think the next book is going to make this one seem tame XD

What's going to happen to Erin? To Kit?

I don't know when I'll publish the second book, but keep this book in your library because I'll be announcing when it's up on here and on my profile! 

I won't reveal who's the main character next, but I hope that y'all will enjoy his story. Like I said before, he's very near and dear to me. 

Thank you so much for reading! I started this book casually at first. It was supposed to be a light and fluffy romance that would be built up very slowly, but that plan was quickly thrown out the window lol. Still, I'm really glad that I saw this through. I've had serious writer's block for a veeerrryyyy long time, but now I'm ready to get back into it!

Your comments, votes, and words of encouragement have all warmed my heart. I'm so glad people enjoy my brain babies XDDD

Thank you again and I hope to see you guys for book two!

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